Russia ramping up election-meddling efforts to help Trump beat Harris, intel officials say

Russia ramping up election-meddling efforts to help Trump beat Harris, intel officials say

Posted by Icy-Dragonfruit-1745

  1. Of course they are interfering with the election Putin knows that he can control the orange🍊 felon

  2. No officials say this, who aren’t liars. Kamala is Vlad’s girl. He’s much rather be able to roll her then deal with Trump.

  3. You can certainly feel it on Reddit. The problem they’re running into is that Trump‘s act is really old, and people are finally starting to realize how weird it is.

  4. Despite what Putin said publicly about wanting Harris to win. I always suspected that quote was intended to be negative for her.

  5. America is unraveling by its own hand, if Russia is meddling it’s just to tip the scales a bit. They might be trying to take advantage of the situation but they aren’t the root cause.

  6. How are the FBI and CIA or any government official allowing this to happen? A lot of talk but no action that I am aware of. One or two here and there.

  7. In the USA I grew up in, being in kahoots with our biggest enemy would have severe consequences. 

  8. We are helping Ukraine.

    So they are actively helping Trump. It’s not a secret.
    How he is getting help is the hard part.

    I would say through his backdoor deals that in paper look legit but in reality are a way to funnel money to him. Ie..Truth Social.

    I am sure many people are helping him. I am sure they got dirt on Thomas and Alito and Kavanaugh etc. On McConnell, Cruz Rubio. Ms. Lindsey (ver obvious)..

    We know this because of this cry for help.

    Also Rep. Madison Cawthorn stating about his claim that some of his colleagues invited him to “orgies and used cocaine”.

    So Trump is a Russia asset….not just him but many more.

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