Only countries that matter anyways.

Only countries that matter anyways.

by DattoDoggo

  1. Could someone explain what is the issue with this image ? I see Europe nothing more nothing less

  2. You need an update, bro. Their Europe trip now usually includes a free overnight stop in Lisbon, and some of them take advantage of it to get a cheap colonoscopy.

  3. To be fair, when europeans visit the USA it’s mostly NYC, Miami, LA or Rockies. Some dare traversing the Route66 or Vegas.

  4. These cucks aren’t aware they’re celebrating Ameritards coming to their country lol.

  5. Are you implying they visit places in those countries that are not the capital city? You give them waaaaay to much credit.

  6. They are essential to keeping the Angus Steakhouse-based economy of London afloat.

    Without their steak dollars, we’d need to start charging people to see our array of ancient British marble artifacts that are owned by Britain.

  7. imagine having pride in the fact that americans think you are cool

    everyone agreeing with this meme is an embarrassment for the Union and should be publicly executed

  8. You forgot Amsterdam! Can’t “do Europe” without smoking weed and doing hookers in Amsterdam

  9. Bavarian Oktoberfest is missing. But only Bavaria not the rest of Germany. They hate it anyway.

  10. Don’t forget the last stop at barcelona just so they can donate their valuables to the people of color 🥰🥰🥰

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