Summer’s over, the weather sucks. Come learn historical swordfighting indoors.

Summer’s over, the weather sucks. Come learn historical swordfighting indoors.

by LondonHFC

  1. It’s pissing down outside. Come learn to swordfight – indoors. We’re a HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) club that studies historical swordfighting using genuine medieval, Renaissance and early modern treatises.

    We’re continuing our half-day crash course in how to use a longsword – the session will cover attacks, defences, positions & guards, and how to move.

    London Historical Fencing Club is a members-run, LGBTQ+ friendly club. We have our own venue and loaner equipment, and we’re a 5 minute walk away from Vauxhall and Nine Elms tube stations.

    Find out more [here](

  2. I would love to do this (used to fence way back in the day), but I think my balance issues would be a liability now!

  3. “Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. We’re all going to die. Come watch TV.” — Morty

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