International Airport security expansion. Money well spent?

A huge new expansion and allegedly only 2 security scanners open. Mad.

by Sleebling_33

  1. I actually don’t like flying at all from here , always delayed when landing waiting on bags , the last time we waited over 30 mins just for the belt to start , unacceptable!!! Dublin always my 1st choice , There’s not even a bus to that dump unless u change in Belfast , Kip

  2. Always resent when I’m going somewhere and there’s either no flights or none that suit out of city, International is just so grim

  3. every time i fly out of the international airport theres very little people in the queue. maybe i just fly on days where it isn’t busy but i’ve never had this issue before.

  4. It doesn’t matter what you build if you don’t give a shit about the people that use it. The worst airport on the island by miles.

  5. I was flying out last week. The queue was like in OP’s photo. Only 2 scanners were open.

    Saying that, from the door to the scanner it took maybe about 20 minutes. Not terrible but no ideal.

  6. I always think Belfast International has pretty good security compared to some of the airports in England such as Birmingham or East Midlands. The line always seems to move pretty quickly.

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