Iranian, Pakistani and Indian 125mm shells in the hands of the Ukrainian military

Iranian, Pakistani and Indian 125mm shells in the hands of the Ukrainian military

by ThatGuySK99

  1. Still think if we had been more politically savvy we could have found Iran as one of our major suppliers to Ukraine. Instead they supply Russia.

  2. Most disappointed with India over the last number of years. Why TF are they are dealing so much with RU. Short sighted and corrupt as F

  3. Fuck all of those countries and their immigrants. Until they feel the discomfort of their nations actions they are living on top of the suffering of the Ukrainian people. Fuck them in their entirety

  4. What happens if an Iranian missile fired by Ukraine meets an Iranian missile fired by Russia? Do they have little baby missiles or just wave hi and bye as they pass each other?

  5. I wonder if Ukraine been given permission by Iran, Pakistan and India to use these shells on Russian soil? πŸ™‚

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