Donald Trump Spent Almost a Year Playing Golf During Presidency

Donald Trump Spent Almost a Year Playing Golf During Presidency

Donald Trump Spent Almost a Year Playing Golf During Presidency

Posted by DippyHippy420

  1. Several analyses have calculated that Trump, as of October 2019, incurred around $109 million in taxpayer spending related to his golf outings, which is close to the amount of money a president would make if he were being paid $400,000 annually for 278.5 years.

  2. He said he wouldn’t have time to play golf when he became president, even chided Obama for playing. Can this story be true?

  3. trump golfed 1/3 of his presidency, and if you include all the “executive” time — Trump truly was a “Reality TV president”

  4. That’s not the problem. The problem is that he spent 3 years of what should have been his retirement playing President.

  5. Year golfing, year ignoring dying COVID patients and mismanaging a pandemic, and the world is still suffering after his two years of doing things

  6. Well that officially tells me Jared Kushner was running our country someone who could not pass a Yankee White Background Check! UNBELIEVABLE

  7. The Week state that in one year of his presidency Trump was the 10th highest paid pro athlete. Sry forgot which year.

  8. And you honestly think he’s going to change his ways if he is elected again? Don’t bet on it. Here’s what DJT does to steal, um, pretend to be POTUS:

    – Spends 30% of his time holding 20 minute meetings and a 40 minute photo-up, calls it “an honest days work” and goes back upstairs to watch CNN/FOX for 12 hours

    – 25% of the time playing golf and cheating

    – 20% flying to Florida

    – 15% interviewing at FAUX news

    – 7% telling us to inject bleach

    – 1% selling shit through the Oval Office photo-op

    – 1% trying to convince everyone how “intelligent” he is

    – 1% banging porn-stars and cheating on his wife who hates him

  9. why does anyone complain when the guy they don’t like is golfing. I fucking hate tRump, I wish he played golf for his whole term because then he wouldn’t be governing.

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