Do you recognize this song…?

Hello helpful Redditers with Scottish interests!

I have a melody in my head since childhood (tied to an important memory), and I believe it's an old Scottish ballad… But I cannot remember what the song is called, who wrote it, or when.

The melody is crystal clear in my mind, though!

I don't suppose anyone would be up for a game of "What's That Song?" where I share me humming the melody here, and see if anyone recognizes it?

– It's a video, since I didn't know how to upload audio only, so enjoy the random cat imagery.

  • I most likely have the "syllables"/ rhythm wrong, as the song is tied in my head to lyrics we wrote as kids, but hopefully the melody is still recognizable.

Thank you so much to anyone who can help!

by Illyxia13

  1. Sounds like [‘Chris De Burgh – A Spaceman Came Travelling’]( at the start. It also has a little bit of [Willie O’ Winsbury]( to it – also known as [John Barbour]( 

    Both are Child Ballad #100.

    I’m also going to throw in the instrumental bit of [My Dear and Only Love]( by the Marquis of Montrose.

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