Positive thoughts from our daughter

Discovered this card our daughter made, in her school bag when checking for the usual rocks and other assorted nonsense she likes to put in there.

Despite the creative spelling, I think it's quite well done and wholesome! I particularly enjoyed the 'positive forts' on the front cover (not shown above), though I'm not clear why when working that you should think of parrots, or why the potato has boobs.

by digibawb

  1. You guys must be amazing parents, keep the positivity up, you’ll make an amazing kid, you’ve obviously reinforced positive mindset and she understands it on a level so you must be doing something right , keep going!!

  2. I think it’s meant to be ‘when *worrying* think of parrots’. Thinking of parrots makes me feel better when having a hard time. Parrots are great!

  3. >the usual rocks and other assorted nonsense

    Careful you don’t crush her dreams of becoming an expert in geological sciences… those rocks were for cataloguing.

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