Vom FBI gesuchter flüchtiger Fernsehprediger auf den Philippinen gefasst

Vom FBI gesuchter flüchtiger Fernsehprediger auf den Philippinen gefasst


  1. It’s important to note that this televangelist is supported by the Philippine’s former president, and his daughter the current vice president.

  2. Please FBI, take this guy from the Philippines. This guy is backed up by the Duterte’s and his cronies. Justice will never be served, he is protected by the corrupt poticians and government officials.

  3. This i never understood. You’re supposed to be a leader of the church but out here do the most. God will send them Special place.

  4. I actually met this guy face-to-face a few years back (in Kalispell, Montana of all places) & talked to him & his entourage for a wee while – knew INSTANTLY he was/they were running a cult.

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