Highway of death for the Russian army

Highway of death for the Russian army

by ladykaka1234

  1. I was expecting a mine to go off when it goes around the two blocking the road.

    I remember this one skirmish where Russian tanks were trying to get through a minefield, and ended up forming a steel hedge as they kept driving around the last one that got blown up or go between them.

  2. As combatants move around the area of engagement, they see death and destruction, in their mind, they don’t think something bad will happen to them, it will be someone else … and / or, god will protect them … they will be the lucky ones.

    That is the coping mechanism for many … or cowardice or “shell shock” – used to be confused with cowardice – Patton got in trouble in WW2 for slapping a shell shocked soldier and calling him a coward.

    Just an aside as we safety watch on screens from around the world at the abject horror and destruction of this war. Humans are suffering and dying.

  3. Whatever it takes. Donate all the goods for the best army in the world 🌎. Go Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ’œ

  4. It looks a bit fake to me, as if it was some modded version of Arma III or VBS.

    Maybe its real but the potato camera makes it look a bit fake. Especially the first UAZ with round headlights and the first destroyed vehicle.

  5. Good stuff. The only thing to regret is that means the road is within UA range but they have no supplies. Gotta admit, if not shitty allies this war would be over long time ago.

  6. Nah, too much highway, not enough death.

    Ukraine needs more of everything if we want to see a proper sequel.

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