Brit couple sign up to die in double ‘suicide capsule’ at Swiss clinic

Brit couple sign up to die in double ‘suicide capsule’ at Swiss clinic

by iPhone13pm

  1. How absolutely lovely. I’ve read the article, these two are 86, married 46 years, and have lived a long and joyous life together. The lady has been diagnosed with dementia, and they wish to die in eachothers arms after a walk in the Swiss alps. This is far superior to waiting to die, without your beloved partner, as you decline slowly but surely towards an often painful end.

    Good for these guys

  2. It’s beyond belief to me that we haven’t legalised euthanasia yet. It’s legal in the US, Canada, Australia, and a ton of places in Europe. Why are we so behind on this?

  3. Why is it a capsule? Just to make it more technological looking? There’s no reason they can’t just be on a normal bed?

  4. This should be available as an option to everyone who wants it, unless compelling grounds can be proven to demonstrate why they should be forced to live. It’s incredible how people will passionately chant the mantra “my body, my choice” to allow a woman to avoid having to give birth, but then when it comes to suicide, we need all of these heavy handed, infantilising nanny state interventions to force us to live by taking away all reliable and humane suicide methods. And yet, in so doing, this forces upon the individual not only one unwanted experience (as is the case with being denied an abortion and being obligated to carry the pregnancy to term and give birth), but ALL of the undesirable experiences that life will have in store for that person. I’d love to know how these “pro choice” people who are against a codified legal right to suicide would justify their hypocrisy.

  5. I know it’s an old argument but that doesn’t detract from the fact that we would never allow our pets to suffer needlessly but when it comes to ourselves and the people we love we are expected to live our last days in agony until (usually) we are over sedated till we eventually stop breathing (which is really just euthanasia). Why the hell we can’t do that before all the suffering is beyond me…

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