Some said Helsinki should use dogs to regain this park from the geese, Helsinki: release the flowers

Some said Helsinki should use dogs to regain this park from the geese, Helsinki: release the flowers

by gotshroom

  1. This park was built in the center of Helsinki back in 2016. Most of it was just plain lawns which was overtaken by the geese and also after a while with dried out spotty lawn. Some in the city administration talked about using dogs to chase the dogs out. Luckily they found smarter ideas, and this year a new landscaping project changed the park completely. People have overwhelmed the city with positive feedback! Lots of flowers, sitting areas,… were added to the park.

    This article has more photos

  2. Looks very nice :), but out of curiosity: are geese harmful to the environment or cause any problems? Here in Warsaw I don’t see them that often, but from what I’ve read a second ago we have a population of common mergansers living in the Royal Baths park in Warsaw, and each year during their migration period towards the Vistula River they get police escort haha. – My previous comment was deleted as I linked to a Fb photo, I didn’t know it was against the rules, [here’s another one](,Nurogesi–warszawska-Wislostrada.jpg) huh. Mum has a fancy haircut (but actually from what I’m reading now Polish *nurogęsi* are not *gęsi* ‘geese’ actually lol, technically speaking they’re ducks I think?).

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