George W. Bush Declines to Endorse 2024 Candidates, While Former VP Dick Cheney Supports Kamala Harris

George W. Bush Declines to Endorse 2024 Candidates, While Former VP Dick Cheney Supports Kamala Harris

Posted by M10News

  1. Pussy! Dude, our Democracy is at risk and you can’t be bothered? Only saying this because if he did endorse I think it could have an impact on some people.

  2. Who gives two shits about the endorsements of war criminals like George W Bush or feckless Obama? They’re mistakes from past elections!

  3. Trying to maintain the illusion of an “elder statesman”?

    Or is the fact that he didn’t endorse a statement in and of itself?

  4. The only thing that Bush has said about Trump is he made a promise not to talk bad about anyone who’s ever held the office. That says what you need to know right there.

  5. He never gave a fuck about this country ever before, why start now? It’s good to be reminded of who he really is

  6. I’m disappointed, but I also recognize it’s the smart move for him. Considering how rabid the cult of personality around Trump is, Bush would literally be risking his life (or at the very least his peace) to make the endorsement. And since not endorsing the Republican candidate says pretty much everything we need to know, there is no reward to balance that risk out.

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