Russische Panzer sind mit Gummi gegen Kamikaze-Drohnen geschützt

Russische Panzer sind mit Gummi gegen Kamikaze-Drohnen geschützt

  1. Looks like they ordered a bunch of door mats from China. Half of them aren’t even rubber but coconut thread.

  2. Are you telling me that the tanks get bagged before entering Ukraine, for their own protection? In this case, I believe strongly that abstinence IS the answer.

  3. Soldier, you are worried about drones? Don’t worry, the special operation recently secured a doormat factory to upgrade the tanks!

  4. This isn’t really anything new – the russians(and before them, the soviets) used rubber side skirts on their tanks.

  5. Thermite melting the rubber, closing the vents, blocking the hatch covers, plugging the engine vents. Sound like another terrible way to die.

  6. I’m just going to guess this is an attempt to isolate from the “switch” triggers? From the FPV footage I’ve seen, those don’t use the tank metal to complete the circuit, they use their own bending on impact. It probably won’t work .. but you saw a lot of this type of in the field “engineering” done in WW2. 

    The M4 Sherman had all sorts of ad-hoc up armor attempts (cement, wood, etc.) once they started encountering the heavier German tanks. Most didn’t work outside giving the crew a placebo / morale boost.

  7. Why does it feel like this war is an episode of Robot Wars.

    My robot can blow you up from above.

    Oh yeah, well my robot is covered in rubber mats.

  8. How does this help? The videos I’ve seen they’ve been dropping bombs down open hatches. Perhaps shut the damn door first?

  9. We shouldnt laugh too much before seeing how it plays out on practise.nwe laughed about the cope cages. Now we use them ourself. We laughed about turtle tanks but they turned out to be effective at what they were supposed to do. Lets see how this turns out

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