Russian occupiers last moments after his position came under attack, and his RPO-A Shmel (rocket-propelled infantry flamethrower “Bumblebee”) detonated, leaving him in agony.

Russian occupiers last moments after his position came under attack, and his RPO-A Shmel (rocket-propelled infantry flamethrower “Bumblebee”) detonated, leaving him in agony.

by AgreeableFreedom6203

  1. Death comes for us all. If you’re a serf still fighting for Putin’s nightmare on Earth it just comes that much faster, courtesy of Ukraine.

  2. Glorifying war is such a big business. As someone who has served in an army and experienced some war I hope folks eager for war learn from these poor souls. Ruski or not it’s still sad and such loss of life for some old man’s dreams of glory.

  3. I am convinced all drone operators are psychopaths. Laughing when a man is dying in agony just doesnt sit right with me. Yeah sure he is an invader. But feeling joy at someones excruciating pain is psycho behaviour.

  4. At this point the Russians deserve whatever Hell they made for themselves, they think they can’t burn because of cold, they will be proven wrong.

  5. The guy could have be sitting on his couch eating an apple instead – he chose unwisely.

  6. He was probably wondering what it was like to get hit by a flame thrower. He knows now

    No sympathy here, in fact I don’t give a shit

  7. I hope that Russians come to realize that either their soldiers’ suffering or the common civilian peasant’s suffering are not to be pitied or empathized from those with a conscious or a moral humanity. It may be hard to watch these “tools” of Putin’s being burned, or disemboweled but we must also remember that there have been Ukrainian soldiers giving up their small piece of territory in exchange to live and perhaps fight again another day only to see the ruthless, immoral, Russian army torture, and, or execute these men….for money! The Russian people have allowed themselves to be deceived by their Putin, allowed him to spoon feed them BS galore and now they willingly go along with his hatred, his degradation, and genocidal murder spree. I hold no empathy for these Russian soldiers and their pain. They’ve made their bed and they must die in it.

  8. retribution deserved. Sorry bud, hard to feel bad for you. Surrender was always your best option.

  9. Hard to feel sorry for him when I think about all the missles he launched at innocent civilians with that flamethrower.

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