Government communication style: consent to electronic correspondence in Germany vs. the Netherlands

Government communication style: consent to electronic correspondence in Germany vs. the Netherlands

by dvtxc

  1. In Italy is like german but in Italian.
    Then after you filed they answer that it’s not possible.

  2. German = Lithuanian, Dutch = England.

    Curious, in LT you still will not understand what they want of you after reading that pile of crap.

  3. And now realise the reading level required to understand that Berlin wall of text means over half the population won’t be able to adequately decipher it to make an informed decision.

  4. I love shitting on Germany as much as the next guy, but comparing education to tax stuff feels a bit disingenuous

  5. Hahah, so true! That’s why not even native German speakers can understand that stuff. It’s unreadable. Even translated in English it’s unreadable. It’s the German efficiency! 😂

  6. Germany read Kafka’s “The Trail” and didn’t find anything wrong with the described bureaucracy.

  7. As a Spanish living in the Netherlands and having dealt with both governments for paperwork. Dutch efficiency in this aspect is supreme. It is not perfect, nothing is perfect. But it is a trillion times better than the Spanish one. Sometimes not even government officials know how to fill certain papers; people purposely trained to do exactly that cannot understand what is said in the paper. How do they expect your average Joe to actually do it? Sometimes less is more, and, I hope certain governments end up discovering that sooner rather than later.

  8. What the point of comparing consent about taxes and some shit from ministry of education and culture? Are you drunk?

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