Feedback and advice on my First ever report on PowerBI

Feedback and advice on my First ever report on PowerBI

Posted by anwar_syra

  1. Just 2 points at a quick glance. The bottom right visual on the first slide should probably be aligned with the left vertical axis. Much easier to compare at a glance that way

    Top left visual on the last page should probably be titled Top 5 Teams by # of Fouls Committed (if I’m understanding what that donut chart is supposed to be showing) or something like that.

  2. What meaning are you assigning to the use of horizontal vs vertical bar charts? What do the different colors in the bar graphs represent? The donut charts don’t make sense to me: just use bars or a table. All of this could be in-cell bar charts and be so much easier to read. What’s the topic? Some game, I’m guessing: cricket?

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