What the founders couldn’t fathom

What the founders couldn’t fathom

Posted by TheresACityInMyMind

  1. They also didn’t give rights to woman and the poor. Also didn’t stop slavery. They were flawed men from their time that made a flawed constitution. It must evolve and be better for today’s time.

  2. The nomination of Trump is fully on the Republican Party and none of us should EVER forget what they have subjected us too.

  3. If there was an ex-convict that legit turned their life around and maybe was perhaps championing a cause like reforming the police state or tackling mass incarceration or whathaveyou, I think they should have the right to hold the presidency, and I’d probably vote for them.

    But this asshole lunatic is a traitorous scum that deserves the treason penalty imho.

  4. Washington, Franklin and the others would have horse whipped Dump out of town if he got anywhere near a public office.

  5. The founding fathers were all felons guilty of treason in the eyes of king. Hard fail on this one

  6. No, it’s so one singular corrupt state couldn’t try and comvict on a trumped up charge and subvert the entire election.

    I’m not arguing on behalf of the donvict I’m just pointing out why a convict can run.

  7. I disagree. Many civil rights leaders had criminal records and even felonies. I would hope they were aware that to enshrine that rule would invite powerful governments to weaponize the legal system against political opponents, as is often done in authoritarian countries that seek to maintain a facade of democracy.

    Like Russia. Putin-up some sort of ambiguous corruption charge against a popular political opponent, and suddenly they’re disqualified from running against you, and you get to deny all involvement and claim your ersatz democratic win where you miraculously get 87.8% of the vote.

  8. I’d be really curious to see if any of the founders would endorse Trump, if we could bring them back from the dead somehow.

  9. They *did* fathom a electorate so dumb. This is one of the reasons they created the electoral college. What they missed was the incorrect assumption that there would always be educated, men of honor to ameliorate the lunatics.

  10. Actually they did. It’s the exact reason we have the electoral college and didn’t vote for senators.

  11. I’m going to disagree with this. There would be nothing wrong with a felon leading our country if he/she were a good person. The problem is that Donald Trump is an awful person. Individuals with felonies are often people who have made mistakes and had to suffer the consequences and learn from said mistakes.

  12. I mean, they didn’t do it because it encourages kangaroo courts.  Despots normally have the courts and really fucked up case law on their side.

    Eugene Debbs ran from prison, and the US would be in a better place if he won.  We should encourage that.

  13. I mean they were also revolutionaries and had overthrown British rule so they were, at one time, considered the equivalent to the British before the U.S.A claimed independence.

    It’s just, there’s no *good* convicted felons running, you know like the founding fathers. Not even *mid* convicted felons.

    Just really shit tier convicted felons.

  14. Well, they only gave rights to white land owning men back then too, so… but the sentiment stands.

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