Trump says his plan to expel millions of immigrants will be a ‘bloody story’

Trump says his plan to expel millions of immigrants will be a ‘bloody story’

Posted by mcspocky

  1. Idk if any of you guys have Costco stock on your 401 K, but I am worried who’ll pick the oranges if we kick all the “off” whites out.

  2. Trump gets bored, then he wants to see someone get hurt. He’s like a Roman Emperor giving servants weapons and telling them to fight to alleviate his boredom. That’s why he enjoyed watching Jan 6th so much. He’s a total sociopath with zero concern for anyone but himself.

  3. We all see that calling for violence while not actually involving yourself in the fight, letting others suffer for your choices is cruel and weird.

    People aren’t supposed to be so blood thirsty, that’s why we’re doing this whole society thing right?

  4. Yea!! That’s what you do to people that put our food on our plates! Hurt em!! Then wonder where’s our food? Then watch the prices of food skyrocket because the positions will be filled with higher pay and benefits employees who call in sick 4 times a month. Just like his tarrifs which will cost you more $$ too. This old fool needs to suck on jello at shady pines

  5. Wouldn’t it be easier to just round up him and his seditionists and finally hold them all accountable for being treason weasels?

  6. Doing this, aside from the horrific human rights violations, would absolutely destroy our economy

  7. Ohh so like January 6th, but only immigrants…got it. Unless they are Russia though right?

  8. Waddles does not have magical superpowers. He is not running for God Emperor And Overlord Decider. He can’t wave his arms and magically make wishes come true. The president works within a framework, and that includes him, too. While he certainly could do various nefarious things, he can’t just do whatever he pleases whenever he feels like it.

  9. Republican Economic Plan

    1. Deport millions of working immigrants
    2. Cause major inflation
    3. Blame Democrats for inflation

  10. Ah…how do you dupe an entire group of people to vote for a candidate that only looks out for the top percentage of wealthy Americans and against their own self interest? You unify them with the thought of hatefulness and cruelty. I mean…the billionaires might be getting all the tax breaks, but we get to see people we don’t like suffer.

  11. It will if it happens.  Whatever army of armed thugs he has to put together to make it happen will have a lot of blood on their hands before it’s over.

    It won’t all be foreign, either.  A lot of patriots will die at their hands.

  12. He means he’ll get to kill lots of brown people, which is something he desperately wants to do.

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