Immer mehr Länder stellen ihre Verbindungen zu Putin offen zur Schau. Sie sagen, es gehe ihnen nur ums Geschäft.

Immer mehr Länder stellen ihre Verbindungen zu Putin offen zur Schau. Sie sagen, es gehe ihnen nur ums Geschäft.

  1. It sucks to say but Russia has way to many resources that other nations are dependant on. They aren’t going to be starved out. This is why I’m hoping allies step up their game and lift annoying restrictions on Ukraine.

  2. Well, they are not wrong.

    Huge land + plenty resources = Business =/= profit for Russia

    Right now, Russia resources is cheaper than ever before. Lock in cheap deal now is best. Let Russia bleed slowly while Putin live the Kremlim lalaland. When the war over, Russia truly became the world’s puppet nation.

  3. Those countries want to purchase Russian natural resources on the cheap like India and China.

  4. So this is really curious to me Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons for a non-aggression pact with russia. Putin busted the deal so why would you trust him with anything.

  5. Guess every country in the world should’ve cut ties with the US during the Iraq War, right? Why should a country like India sanction Russia? It’s not their problem, the west doesn’t care much about india and its issues historically. Every country and its leader is looking out for itself. The Ukraine war sucks and Russia is absolutely in the wrong, but when the world is capitalist, the green is all that matters.

  6. Considering the American right wing doesn’t consider it a problem, does the USA have a right to tell others when their own house members openly support them??

  7. This is why the West need to collectively decide that there is a cost of supporting Russia. Whether it’s China, India, Malaysia, no holds barred.

  8. It’s “just business” until he pulls them into war by being a peice of shit and they have their entire military and country fucking obliterated.

    Of course, then it’ll be “just business” when US and NATO do that.

  9. A Kenyan official once said: “Every time China visits we get a hospital, every time Britain visits we get a lecture.”

    Maybe cheap gas is worth more than “western values and rules based order”?

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