NATO-Mitglieder Rumänien und Lettland werfen Russland Verletzung des Luftraums durch Militärdrohnen vor

NATO-Mitglieder Rumänien und Lettland werfen Russland Verletzung des Luftraums durch Militärdrohnen vor

  1. As other users have already mentioned, unknown drone snooping in your area? Since it is unmanned drone, shoot it first, ask question later.

    If the owner of drone complain (Russia), be straightforward and tell it will be shot down again.

  2. They are probably testing how much they can get away with in regards to NATO and if with cameras gathering information about the areas for future use.

  3. While there’s no article 5 without an actual attack, you still have the right to defend your own airspace: Light ’em up-up-up!

    Putin is testing his limits: Show him how tight they are.

  4. Why are drones in the north though? Are they meant for Latvia? At least I can see the Romanian ones being a huge overshoot.

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