Unfortunately, situation in Donetsk region continues to deteriorate. One of the biggest issues is that generals are completely disconnected from the reality, most don’t even understand the state of our forces, don’t know real sitatuation on the ground.

Unfortunately, situation in Donetsk region continues to deteriorate. One of the biggest issues is that generals are completely disconnected from the reality, most don’t even understand the state of our forces, don’t know real sitatuation on the ground.


by rulepanic

  1. This is a former Ukrainian soldier and volunteer that raises money and provides equipment like FPV’s and [excavators](https://x.com/Teoyaomiquu/status/1832502508398493750) to the Ukrainian armed forces.

    >Unfortunately, situation in Donetsk region continues to deteriorate.

    >One of the biggest issues is that generals are completely disconnected from the reality, most don’t even understand the state of our forces, don’t know real sitatuation on the ground. They try to wage war based on the numbers and statistics instead of actually understanding what’s going on.

    >They look that have a brigade on paper without understanding that half of the brigade people with contusions, injuries and simply can’t participate in combat. This results in a complete disconnect from the reality.

    >I am currently trying to help units do more with less by providing equipment that reduces manpower needed for building fortifications and logistics, and we are changing situation for units on the ground, but a lot of work ahead.

    >Sorry if this upsets you, but it has to be said.

  2. Fire all the old cunts if they don’t have overwhelming support from their men.

    Retire, bitches.

  3. The Ukraine front is folding in several areas. I believe the offensive into Russia is a good move, but I also think it was a last ditch effort by Ukraine to pull a lot of Russian forces away from the front.. that didn’t really happen. Ukraine took a lot of manpower away from their front and is paying for it on the Ukraine front. Not sure the right play. They can no longer easily pull back from inside Russia.. if they do pull back those forces now need to remain to hold the boarder because there is a big Russian force now amassed in that area that will push against a retreating force. If you don’t keep resupplying and reinforcing the force in Russia then you will lose it. Supply’s and reinforcements for the Russian front means they can’t go to defend the Ukrainian front. I think the offensive into Russia will be seen as a blunder in history. Initially it looks great, as soon as Russia catches up it’s not going to be good…

  4. Yeah I find it incredibly hard to believe that a random grunt has any clue what higher staff do and don’t know. I’m also pretty sure there’s statistics that capture combat effectiveness.

  5. The USA and Europe need to start providing missile and artillery batteries on a larger scale. And smarter attack.swarm.kamikazi drones with more computing and ew. “Resistance by design”. I truly don’t understand how hard it is to rout a military force; I picture it as trivial for a modern army. They should have mastered conventional warfare to the point that conflicts like this are untenable and un winnable. Why can’t humanity get past this nonsense. We should all be worrying about our children in school whether they did their homework; not about genocide; war crimes ; and explosions overhead.

  6. Propaganda to be fair, lets tell the Russian we in a state of disarray and better yet put it on the internet. HMMMM call me suspicious .The Russian in enough trouble using WW1 tactics in the modern era.

  7. I suspect the generals choose brigade based on the experience and effectiveness of the brigade. A fresh and less experienced brigade is going to be deployed to more lightly contested areas to gain experience with less risk of being routed due to lack of experience. His friend is on this front because the general has confidence in his brigade to hold the line. It isn’t that the general is bad. It is just that the brigade is good.

    It might be a good idea to bring in a fresh brigade to rotate a fresh company into a experienced brigade to give rest to a company that has taken heavy losses. I believe this front does have such a brigade, but there might be command issues with mixing brigades. Difficult for two brigades to work together or to transfer command of a company to another brigade.

    I don’t think that happened during WW2 much. Allies would just added fresh recruits into a company that took heavy losses. This was true with allied Airborne Forces who tended to see a lot of action as documented by the Band of Brothers film.

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