How to win the debate with one simple question.

How to win the debate with one simple question.

Posted by kevonicus

  1. Even better…”why does your entire former cabinet composed of the best and the brightest think that you are incompetent?”

  2. How does this win the debate? Nobody gives af about how bad Trump is that isn’t already voting for Harris. If you still *might* vote for Trump than you couldn’t care less if the previous VP was stabbed in the back because you don’t care that he tried to overthrow a democratic election

  3. I think it’s against the rules of this debate for them to ask the other person questions. But there’s also no reason for them to obey the rules, so…

  4. Harris: Why won’t Mike Pence endorse you?

    Trump: That’s such an ugly question. Look, my numbers are the very best, many people say much higher than that. And you were the border czar and now there are so, so many illegals coming in to vote for Biden. I will put huge tariffs on China, ok? And they’re not gonna like it, but they have to pay. They have to pay. And we will have so much. Thank you.

  5. He’s a weak individual who wouldn’t stand up for the people who were cheated and had the election stolen.
    -Coherent DT

    He just lies about everything, really no got ya questions for that man, just 100% bs all the time

  6. opening question : the audience would like to hear more about sharks, batteries, bacon, and windmills.

  7. Oh no then Trump will lose the massive Mike Pence constituency, which exists.

    Harris should talk about her policy, to the extent it exists, and not treat American voters like the audience of American idol.

  8. Hell, the majority of republican at this point. Not just talking about the politicians either. There are a lot fewer Trump signs in the neighborhood this time and a lot more Democrat signs at all levels of government.

  9. There are SO many questions I want asked of him – to his face – live – to a global audience of millions…

  10. or this one “why did dnc donors (owners) withhold hundreds of millions of dollars if they wouldn’t install you on the ballot, after running a primary “

  11. TRUMP “Is of the being the best oxidating we’re not going to have a country anymore political assylums hanibal lector nasty woman!”

    Trumps supporters “YEAH!!!!

    The Media “Both sides used words so it’s a tie”

  12. I told my personal lawyer to demand a trial by combat, believe me tremendous. And then all my followers attacked the Capitol, believe me tremendous. They even took down the American flag and raised a Trump flag instead, believe me tremendous.

    I’ve never heard of this and I have never seen these people, believe me sad.

  13. He would just claim Pence did, call her a liar and millions of people would donate money they don’t have to fund this truffle butter stain of a man.

  14. He would prattle for 2 mins about how Pence is a “disloyal person”.
    And somehow blame Obama for it

  15. “Did you ever remember the name of the woman you raped on the plane you were talking about the other day?”

  16. She should ask him “what were you doing for 187 minutes while the Capital was attacked and police officers were assaulted?”

  17. I mean, all he’d say was either “you’d have to ask him,” or “he’s a loser.”

  18. Definition of Win? By normal standards or whatever standard people who have already decided to vote trump use?

  19. She could win just by attacking his cabinet turnover. When he hired someone they were the smartest people, the best people. And then as soon as he fired them they were the dumbest people alive.

    How can you trust a president to run the country when they don’t even know how to hire the correct people?

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