Outgunned and outnumbered, Ukraine’s military is struggling with low morale and desertion | CNN

Outgunned and outnumbered, Ukraine’s military is struggling with low morale and desertion | CNN


Posted by shieeet

1 comment
  1. As soon as I read an article that says Pokrovsk is ‘on the brink of falling to Russia’ I stop reading. Russia’s advance on the town has stalled in recent weeks and even if they get to the outskirts, that is very different to taking it.

    Just look at Chasiv Yar. The exact same commentators said exactly the same thing there. The Russians then reached the outskirts of the town, took a very small portion of it (the canal district) and have now stalled and not moved in months. Even Russian successes like Bakhmut and Avdivka took many months to capture the towns themselves. So to say Pokrovosk is on the verge of falling is utter drivel, usually with an agenda.

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