Up to 50 Labour MPs could rebel over cut to winter fuel allowance

Up to 50 Labour MPs could rebel over cut to winter fuel allowance


by topotaul

  1. Good you weren’t elected to fuck the people over, you were elected to be different than the Tories and actually help. Fuck the whip.

  2. Past current history of labour MPs is if there is an opposition of a vote that could derail a bill they don’t agree with but the labour party want, they will derail it by abstaining their vote so the opposition will vote it down.
    but they never vote against the bill

  3. Spineless…. They were voted in to fix what the Tories broke… And they’re throwing in the towel at the first difficult decision of a long list of them …

  4. Why’s so many people up at arms about this?

    It’s not a cut for All Elderly.

    It’s trying to be more selective so those who can afford heating don’t get it.

    Scaring people with vagueness needs to stop

  5. Wish anyone in the media would poiint out how many pensioners are also millionaires.

    My friend with cancer that means he can’t walk at 26 without pain had to fight for months and go to court to get the government to give him £188 a week so he doesn’t starve to death.

    Why are we just handing £300 to 3 million millionaires??! That’s almost a billion!

    It just reveals the generational conflict we are part of. Over 65s seem to be the architects of our doom.

  6. So if the deficit is 22 billion, how are we going to plug that gap if everytime Labour announce cuts to 1 demographic of the population all hell breaks loose and its met with criticism?

  7. Man, threads like this are depressing.

    The vast majority of normal people in this country are suffering. Workers are suffering, unemployed people are suffering, pensioners are suffering, students are suffering, immigrants are suffering. *Everyone* is suffering in this country. We’ve all been victims of the past few decades of managing decline, stagnating wages and growing inequality… at least all of us apart from the incredibly wealthy few who are coincidentally able to throw a bunch of lobbying money at our political parties.

    Yet whenever a thread like this crops up the usual *crabs in a bucket* mentality instantly appears. ‘Oh, the pensioners need to suffer more!’ ‘Oh, the immigrants are to blame!’ ‘Oh, it’s the workers who need to tighten their belts!’ People are far to eager to insist it’s *other* suffering groups who are to blame and that things can only improve if their lives get materially worse, instead of questioning why corporate profits are at record highs and why we have more billionaires now than at any point in history yet the vast majority of people in this country are being told to accept less.

  8. Man. What’s wrong with this lot? One step forward 10 steps back. Hoping starmer can unify them. 

  9. Labour has such a huge majority that, unless a large number of MPs suddenly disappear for some reason, there’s really no point of voting about anything. It’s just for show. They will always win.

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