You Have Been Cruel To Me, My Family And My Mother’: Controversial Olympic Boxer To Sue Elon Musk And Donald Trump For Cyberbullying

You Have Been Cruel To Me, My Family And My Mother’: Controversial Olympic Boxer To Sue Elon Musk And Donald Trump For Cyberbullying

Posted by vinaylovestotravel

  1. They’re treated her inhumanely in front of the entire world. I Hope she gets paid extremely well for this.

  2. I really hope she does it. But don’t expect them to pay up. They’re both hemorrhaging money right, especially the orange one.

  3. why are we collectively pretending like this lawsuit will ever go anywhere? nothing will come out of this

  4. How is the controversial part assigned to her? She was female for all her life until she didn’t throw a match, where suddenly a corrupt and genuinely controversial organisation labelled her a male based upon a test they still haven’t revealed.

    Bigots who have spent last few years telling us there are two genders and you are either born male or female and this can’t change…suddenly started talking about chromosome imbalances and performing all kinds of bigot gymnastics to justify their hatred.

    The controversial bit isn’t assigned to the boxer but to those who have committed libel and slander against her.

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