Ukraine’s 81st Airmobile Brigade “SowaFM” drone team targeted Russian infantry with seemingly ordinary munition drops, before somehow triggering unexpectedly large detonations of ambiguous origin. Published September 9, 2024

Ukraine’s 81st Airmobile Brigade “SowaFM” drone team targeted Russian infantry with seemingly ordinary munition drops, before somehow triggering unexpectedly large detonations of ambiguous origin. Published September 9, 2024

by Voldesad

  1. A small tactical nuke dropped from a drone “confirmed” 0:)

    But seriously, mines going boom is always nice

  2. I wouldn’t be surprised it was a few TM-62 mines stacked together. The minefields in Zaporizhzhia have stacked mines as reports suggested

  3. Might have set off a RPO-A Shmel launcher that one of the infantry dropped or set down there. Thermobaric explosions are pretty big.

  4. Team of 3, potentially heading out to lay anti tank mines. Guy in rear may have had a couple/few in his backpack.

  5. Dropping Fallout style mini-nukes now?

    But yeh, most logical thought is a lucky hit on some AT mines maybe…

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