Monday Mornin’ M’Thread (9 Sep 24)


unintelligible screaming

Don’t need to guess who didn’t have a good nights sleep last night do we? Alas, it was I. But hopefully your Monday is off to a better start – come on in and have a chat. What’s on for your Monday?

by dexbydesign89

  1. It’s the work bbq this afternoon. Or for me, sneak off early and go for a cycle ride in the hills (I don’t dislike my colleagues, but forced socialisation never appeals).

  2. Queueing for the bathroom

    Realising for the last month I’ve been giving it 75% and that needs to get back up to 100%

    I’ve had my daily allowance of coffee but think I need more

  3. Has anyone had Covid recently? I’m on day 8 of symptoms. It’s been crap. Still feeling worn out and chesty.

    My girlfriend is vaccinated and she’s the same. Said last time she got it she just had a runny nose. This time we’ve both needed a week off work and I’m wondering how I’m going to manage this week

  4. Saw Beetlejuice Beetlejuice yesterday and now can’t get a song out of my head (not saying what it is for spoiler reasons).

    The rest of today will be writing up a reverse brief for a pitch meeting tomorrow. The joy.

  5. Slept like shit. Got to work late, which is unusual.

    Have to get primer down on a couple cars today, but running out of it bc the guys who do the stocking aren’t thorough enough and I don’t have time to do it. Luckily he’s coming in later today so I’ll bitch about it then.

    Can’t wait to get home, fall asleep on the couch, not do any studying like I said I would, and mess up my sleeping pattern even more.

  6. Today is day 1 of me having to run 2 spray shops because the other sprayer’s in Tunisia for 2 weeks. Something tells me I’m going to be a bit stressed…

  7. Waiting for my car insurance to decide how much my 20 year old car was worth before it got written off (other party at fault). My workplace is a faff to get to without a car, thankfully they’re being pretty understanding.

  8. I couldn’t sleep at all last night. Was doing housework at 5:30 this morning.

    Planning a duvet day.

  9. Would’ve liked some better sleep.

    I’m supposed to go shopping this morning, and of course it’s just started raining. Hopefully it clears up soon.

  10. It’s the last day of the extended summer holidays and I could not be more ready for a bit of routine, it’s been nearly 8 weeks of answering constant questions and balancing work.

    Lord give me and my raspberry canes the strength to make it through another day. I’ve got peaceful headphones jobs all week, so I’m a tad excited to just chill and work

  11. On annual leave this week, so have a tip trip planned for this morning. Off out for lunch afterwards which should be nice!

  12. I am not building Le Grille but I may as well be. I haven’t slept well in about a week.

  13. I didn’t sleep very well either. A nap this afternoon might have to happen.

    I’m doing my mum’s housework today, but that’s about it, unless I have a miraculous burst of energy.

  14. Glorious trip into London for work today which means Mrs Boggy has to deal with both school runs this morning.

    Nobody is happy with this situation.

  15. On the first train from small provincial town to former industrial powerhouse today, part of a 9hr56 minute job. Revenue equipment fails 15minutes in, so can’t sell or check tickets. Log it all off, fill in the fault forms and send them off to my Boss. Won’t be doing revenue today. No bother.  

    But, they’re on holiday, so Boss from another depot (that has piss easy work and doss jobs) is covering them and they send back a reply saying to dump my machine back in and pick up a new one. Can’t, I reply. No time to do so. Well, pick one up in your break, is the response. No chance, is my reply. I’ve got bare minimum turnarounds and bare minimum breaks- one is in Rat Infested mess room, the other is on-train at backwater halt. Not happening.

    Oh, then I’ll get a spare man to bring new kit to you. Good luck with that, all our spare turns are allocated to cover jobs at your depot- I’ve seen the roster sheet for today. Ah, well. Don’t worry about revenue then…..

    You bet your sweet ass I won’t.

  16. Going in for a scale and polish this morning – not with the dentist I have built up my trust with so extra nervous. Left my earphones in the office so don’t even have those to block out the noise.

    Slept like a log at least – so been up, had breakfast and wfh since 6:30am

  17. I’ve already had a phone call from the doctors *(yay!)*, they’ve signed me off for a week *(kinda yay!)* but they can’t send it electronically as apparently i’ve not consented to it so I have to trek out for a physical copy *(not yay!)*

    He wasn’t all that comforting with how blasé he was with my symptoms and put it down potentially to a virus of sorts but if they continue then he’ll send me off for some bloods. I tried to argue that it’s been 5-6 weeks of this already but he was unconvinced *(not yay!)* so we’ll see by Friday if I have to ask for an extension.

  18. Got next to no sleep last night, major project at work which I’m responsible for starts this week, and I have zero mental capacity to be putting up with anybodies shit.

    On the plus side: I found a new Chinese takeaway which may be my new usual.

  19. I just finished my third night shift in the NHS and tried to microwave my bread, whilst boiling the kettle for the 5th time I think.

    I’m knackered.

  20. 3 weeks postpartum with my first born and she decided to have massive wake windows yesterday during the day and late evening. So hopefully she will be catching up on sleep and I can nap as well.

  21. Been up in Manchester for a conference and going home today.

    Suspect I have caught a cold in the meantime.


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