Wissenschaftler: Dem Great Barrier Reef ist der Todesstoß bereits versetzt worden

Wissenschaftler: Dem Great Barrier Reef ist der Todesstoß bereits versetzt worden


  1. Next west philippine sea reefs. China have been destroying the ecosystems, overfishing, and making artificial islands there.

  2. I was born and raised on the GBR. There’s nothing quite like it. We didn’t even try to save it. We are about to vote in a government that is sucking up to the mining and gas field development. I’m so sorry to all the future Australians who will never get take guardianship over the reef, love and protect it, until it’s there time to pass it on. Australia must never be forgiven.

  3. Great….we really are the species that can’t have anything nice and actively breaks what it has…..

  4. When you see this going on everywhere you start to sympathise with the red headed guy in the film 12 monkeys

  5. I remember raising money in grade school to help buy up rainforest land to help protect it. I remember when I found out about the GBR being in danger of bleaching the first time when I was that age. Damn. What a loss.

  6. What a sad state of affairs. Here in NZ everyone drives. Our current govt is pushing for fossil fuel mining. Our 100% Pure slogan is a load of shite. Cows and sheep are our industry. Our rivers and lakes are polluted with nitrates and farming waste. Methane from cow farts is also a thing.

  7. Been saying it for years now. Humans are not an intelligent species and our eventual extinction will be deserved.

  8. Whenever a climate scientist or activist says “we” are failing to take action and “we” aren’t reducing emissions and “we” don’t have the political will they need this chart thrust in their face:


    “We” aren’t a united political unit and the vast majority of CO2 emissions come from just a handful of countries and only two of those countries are still increasing their emissions.

    The political fiction that population size doesn’t matter needs to end. The US is egregiously wasteful of energy but in the end the fact that China and India have let their populations grow into the billions is the largest problem, and india is still accelerating. If they both had kept their population in the region of of the US or EU we wouldn’t be having this problem at all, or at least we’d have a lot longer to sort it out.

    The neo-colonial lefties out there still implicitly believe in the noble savage fallacy – that the west *must* be responsible for all evil and the poor benighted foreigners are being taken advantage of by corporations and western governments.

    This attitude is what is preventing the world from making any further progress as illiberal governments in China and India act in bad faith, take advantage and claim “historical fairness” and per capita measures mean they can pollute as much as they like. Europe and Australia could vanish under the waves tomorrow and the climate would barely notice: it would take us back to only 2011 in emissions terms.

    The biggest problem now is not getting western nations to cut emissions (though the US could do a LOT better), it’s preventing developing nations from increasing theirs: if everyone in India gets AC we can kiss the entire atmosphere goodbye.

  9. I think we have to invest our best and newest technologies not only to reduce warming. We have to find ways to active cool the climate. That maybe our fate.

  10. I’m ngl, I pretty much gave up on the idea of earth still being recognizable in a few decades around 2018-2019. I still try to do my part and all that, but it’s fucked. 

  11. This is why we should all take up arms and fight for Ningaloo Reef in WA. Don’t let the same thing happen there.

  12. GBR was on my bucket list. Then I went and was so disappointed. Was just bleached dead coral. Sigh.

  13. This is a terrible thing and honestly it’s still not going to change no matter how much people want it too. Sad reality is greed and money will always win out. It’s human nature unfortunately. Custodians of the planet and we are slowly destroying our home. Greed and power won’t help come the end of days, we will all be in the same boat sunk and in a shit metric tonne of trouble

  14. RIP to basically all of FNQ as well – their whole economy depends on that reef and if it’s gone so are they. Plus the vital role the reef has in protecting vast swathes of being completely devastated by cyclones, Cairns especially. That city is barely an inch above sea level and the reef is the only thing that’s been keeping it from being washed away

  15. carbon capture tech is our only real chance because you will never get the kind of global cooperation needed to make conservation remotely close to being able to save our world. we need to funnel money into it.

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