Germany blames Russian GRU unit for EU, NATO cyberattacks

Germany blames Russian GRU unit for EU, NATO cyberattacks

by dat_9600gt_user

  1. so, russia is doing these things for decades, calls Europe openly an enemy, threatens to nuke everyone but still its surprise to every government

  2. As a response, Germany decided to slash funding to Ukraine, is not sending Taurus missiles and is not spending much on rebuing it’s army. That will show them Russians who’s the boss!

    Yeah, EU can’t act surprised that Russia is winning and the world is not taking EU seriously, if we can’t defend ourselves. Thank God for Poland, Finland, Sweden and Baltics, otherwise Russians could waltz in tomorrow and Scholz would be like “sorry, we could help you, but you see, shooting at Russians would be escallation. And we can’t send you weapons either, that would violate the debt-break”

  3. German intelligence accused Moscow of widespread sabotage operations against German politicians and companies. The same unit also hit Ukrainian targets in the run-up to Russia’s invasion.

    Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, the BfV, [issued a warning]( on Monday that a [cybercrime]( group belonging to Russian military intelligence (GRU) had been behind a number of [online attacks against NATO and EU countries](

    Together with US intelligence and other international partners, the BfV found that groups belonging to GRU Unit 29155 were “responsible for computer network operations against global targets for the purposes of espionage, sabotage, and reputational harm since at least 2020.”

    It cautioned that Unit, also known as Cadet Blizzard or Ember Bear, was behind the WhisperGate malware attacks against Ukrainian targets in January 2022, a month before [Russia]( invaded the country.

    # Unit thought to be behind SPD cyberattack

    The warning comes after Berlin accused Moscow of [a spate of cyberattacks]( against the ruling Social Democrats (SPD), and a number of German companies in the IT, logistics, and aerospace sectors. The attacks involved stealing and publishing sensitive data.

    The same GRU unit is also suspected of being behind the 2018 poisonings of Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the UK.

  4. Yet, we’re going to do nothing about it and just continue to take this from the Russians because our most powerful states – such as Germany – are spineless while our bravest and the ones with the biggest balls (Baltics, Poland, Czechs) are ignored.

    Targeted assassinations, sabotage, infiltration, cyber attacks. You name it, the Russians are doing it to us. What are we doing? Nothing.

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