More graveyard humor…

More graveyard humor…

Posted by StevenMaurer

  1. I still don’t know why Harris doesn’t hammer the phrase “The Trump Pandemic.” It happened all on his watch. You bet your ass that if it happened on Obama or Biden’s watch, Trump would frame it that way.

  2. Literally the only thing he had to do was listen TO THE MEDICAL AND PANDEMIC EXPERTS and it would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

    This is driving with a check engine light burning red and the car full of mechanics telling you to pull over while the engine is visibly on fire to everyone you drive past, yourself and the mechanics but refusing to do so because you cannot accept the engine on fire and the check engine light is on and all the mechanics are smarter than you.

  3. I mean… he was in the graveyard he helped create with the Afghanistan withdraw… so art imitates life?

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