Ukraine War: Two Killed In Overnight Russian Strikes On Ukrainian City Of Sumy | Watch #shorts

Ukraine War: Two Killed In Overnight Russian Strikes On Ukrainian City Of Sumy | Watch #shorts

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  1. If the armed conflict continues, such devastating scenes will replay everyday across Ukraine. It is easy for Ukraine's political leaders to insist on fighting till the country's 1991 borders are restored — regardless of the costs, because it is the soldiers and the people who have to bear the blunt.

    I think that, sooner of later, the Ukrainian government and its Western backers will need to accept the reality that many Ukrainians reject risking everything for victory and adjust their maximalist war aims.

  2. The russian military accademy filled only 3 places out of 100. Usually there is 25 people for every position. Conscripts are surrendering in droves and are more often than not fighting with no armored support, Ukrainian attacks on russian supply lines and logistics are definitely bearing fruit. Russian advance west has stalled for days now and Ukraine has retaken a few towns. Kursk is easily held and the pocket will eventually fall to attrition, the Ukrainian special forces are working into belgorad and russians are welcoming them. Ukraine gives them food and clears roads etc.. while russia doesnt feed its conscripts 😢.
    Putin is desperate for a ceasefire and Ukraine will definitely refuse and keep pushing until russia breaks. Its amazing what 70 years of corruption will do to a country.😂

  3. Sooner or later putin will be removed. The oligarks know he has destroyed the country and they are not going to continue supporting something sold to them as a 3 day smo.
    Russias energy market is basicly non existent with Europe completely free of it, inflation is very high with wheel barrows of rubles being swapped for dollars. The organisation responsible for reporting on the economy has stopped posting figures on the request of putin.😂
    Despite chinese help russia has not been able to achieve significant results from their manufacturing industry, its military production is not even capable of stabilising russian equipment let alone replacing it. Russian planes are falling out of the sky due to lack of maintenance and spare parts. Fuel and lubricants are in short supply as Ukraine has destroyed enough fuel to supply russias remaining armoured vehicles for a month in just one of its strikes.
    I think its becoming more and more obvious that russia is in a very bad position, no doubt they could leave Ukraine and save 100s of thousands of russian lives but as we know no lives are important enough to get in the way of putins desire to steal more land that doesnt belong to russia. I am excited to see how long russia can continue.

  4. I just saw a lidt of the international agreements russia has signed onto, they have only adhered to 1. I used to call people racist who said never trust a russian, it is still a slight generalisation but really. 1 out of 15 goes to character in my book.

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