russian occupier manages to catch an FPV drone, but then unfortunately… drops it

russian occupier manages to catch an FPV drone, but then unfortunately… drops it

by Exotic-Strawberry667

  1. You live your whole miserable life in some backwater rural area to finally end up as reddit entertainment. As a famous singer once wrote, russian life is very sad.

  2. damn is that a hollow torso at the end?

    if they weren’t invading another country murder raping and firing missiles at civilians for fun i would almost feel sorry for them.

  3. Jesus that’s some black mirror stuff. I don’t think half the world understands this is warfare now

  4. This feels like it could be a funny scene in a dark historical comedy. But in reality it just feels so grim.

  5. I don’t understand what’s happening here. Was the drone going to explode on him when it got close? Why did catching it matter? Why did dropping it matter? Sorry if I sound ignorant.

  6. Oh man, it’s like the video from sotchi where russian tourists rolled a seamine on the beach…

  7. If I caught a drone FPV, I’d break it and chuck it in the same movement. Definitely don’t carry them when you know they can be remotely detonated.

  8. I could almost feel bad for him were it not for that whole invading a peaceful country thing, blowing up schools, apartments, and markets full of unarmed non-combatants. I hope Ukraine becomes Russia’s newest Afghanistan.

  9. Thought of this a while ago, as it seems quite possible to catch drones given their reasonable speed and from using them. Best and then worst luck here.

  10. It could have ended even better if the guy had a chance to reach his group to brag about it, and then he drops it.

  11. A real life tragedy comedy.
    Honestly can’t believe I just watched that.
    Just to clarify I don’t believe russian soldiers dying is a tragedy. I meant in the classical sense.

  12. “phew almost got blown up with a rpg grenade strapped to a drone, better throw it on the ground now”

  13. It’s wild to watch this from two angles like a live action movie. It’s also crazy to realize this guy had no idea what he was dealing with. He definitely hasn’t been like us on the internet the last few years

  14. So what are the rules of engagement with the drone. Like if the Russian tried to surrender how would it work?

    Big “fuck around and find out” for the Russian soldiers of course. But the guy is unarmed and running away right?

  15. He should have carefully knelt down, gripped the body of the drone tightly in one hand, grabbed each prop and tore each of the 4 off, finger cuts be damned, then tossed it as far as he could while running in the opposite direction. Potentially even easier if he could bend the metal trigger contacts in such a way they couldn’t make contact.

    .ie he needed to stop and think this through instead of continuing to walk with and active drone, props on full power, torquing the drone in his hand till he lost his grip.

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