Green Party reverses its opposition to building HS2

Green Party reverses its opposition to building HS2

by Archistotle

  1. >The Greens’ other co-leader Adrian Ramsay had signalled he was supportive of the change in policy ahead of the vote, which took place on the final day of the party conference.

    Funny, he voted against it in the conference itself.

    Edit: btw, he didn’t make any push to sway the conference to vote against it even though he could’ve. It’s probable that he himself believes HS2 in shit but still respects the conference’s decision this matter.

  2. I think the Greens are right that HS2 should never have been built but now they have started you have to at least build the thing to Crewe. Anything less is madness.

  3. >She said: “The Green Party has long supported the principle of a new north-south high speed rail line but had serious concerns about the specific route of HS2 and the environmental impacts of this route.

    Ties into something interesting I read about the internal politics of the Green Party. Most of their electoral success happens in local Government, so within the party those local Councillors hold a lot of influence over policy. That tends to skew them a bit towards the NIMBY even for infrastructure projects that would further their broader goals of climate change action.

    It’s all a bit “We like this railway, just not through our local authorities thank you very much.”

  4. National greens: It’s a climate emergency! Build renewable and electrified infrastructure now!!!

    Local greens: You want to build in a single green field in our area? Application denied!!!

  5. I used to feel ok about the Green Party but then read their manifesto saying they wanna dismantle our nuclear deterrent and weaken our position as a nation if conflict ever arises. I like to think they have a degree of good intentions but it’s just self destructive naivety thinking the world is all happy and roses if we be nice to everyone and they won’t take advantage of us. 

    Pretty much why I can’t ever take them seriously as a political party 

  6. When it was being built they were against it.

    Now it’s not being built north of Birmingham they will be complaining its not being built and demanding that the North is being left out.

    They are an unserious party with very unserious politics. They are against things because things are happening then against them for not happening.

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