Deaths by suicides in regions per 100 00 inhabitants

Deaths by suicides in regions per 100 00 inhabitants

by Biszkopt87565

  1. I always thought that Nordics and maybe Netherlands have highest rates of suicides in EU. I didn’t expect to see Slovenia, Lithuania and Hungary as Top3.

    But 13.3% lower suicides in just a decade (2021 vs 2011) is a great result, imo. EU countries are on a correct path it seems.

  2. Mazovia has a higher rate than average even though its the richest region in Poland (due to Warsaw).

    Lower Silesia is the 2nd/3rd richest region and is below average in suicides. Interesting.

  3. High differences on national borders are highly sus for different method or quality of data collection.

  4. So basically in almost every country, the people that are the least likely to off themselves are in the areas with the nicest weather and/or best access to the sea. Yeah, that tracks

  5. That portion of Spain is blue because they secretly want to be part of Portugal and complete the rectangle.

  6. Am from west-flanders. Makes sense compared to the rest of flanders, it’s always work hard and don’t you dare talk about stuff in your head. Starting to change with the younger generations tho.

  7. The climate is a huge factor in causing depression, but to be somewhat more useful a suicide rate chart should be per age group.

  8. what living in Lithuania does to a mf

    also, I’d be curious to know the situation in Russia. something tells me the real statistics would be through the roof. rampant alcoholism, no opportunity, no freedom, utter hopeless cold hellscape. everyone around you is either too stupid/misinformed to realize what’s going on and those that do have probably already fled, are in prison or dead or they’re keeping their mouth shut and have accepted that there is no future worth living for.

  9. Expected. Tough for Warsovians to be happy while having to go to work in a district literally called “Mordor”

  10. Sad reason for the blue area in south-east Belgium is the Ardenne mountains. Lots of people travel there to end their lives

  11. The area in Finland has the double the rate of Schizophrenia and autism, compared to the rest of the world

  12. 2021…

    What a crappy year, remember that we were in lockdowns/curfews at 18h (at least in France)… not a great time to live

  13. Wow I’m from one of this dark blue region West of France I had no idea it was so bad for us. I’m calling my friends to see if they’re ok right now.

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