Mic Drop

Mic Drop

Posted by SilentWalrus92

  1. Nah, I’m still inclined to say it was Andrew Johnson, because if it wasn’t for his poor handling of Reconstruction, the South wouldn’t have been able to enact the Jim Crow laws whose effects last to this day. Edit: yes, I did mean Andrew Johnson. Also, Trump is my second, followed by Andrew Jackson, who would have been a top 5 president if it wasn’t for the Trail of Tears.

  2. Republicans – “History?, What’s that? Oh, his-story. I always believe Donald Trump and none of the twenty-eight women who accused him of rape!”

  3. Look I hate Trump but Jackson committed a literal ethnic cleansing that was already part of a major genocide, that’s uniquely bad.

  4. Don’t forget covid. Trump killed millions.

    And almost certainly sold out America worse than any other traitor in history.

    He’ll be #1 by historians once the dust settles.

  5. Andrew “Let the Court try to enforce the law”, Jackson? Andrew “Trail of Tears,” Jackson? Andrew “Why does the Entire White House Smell Like Cheese?” Jackson?

    If Trump actually manages to end American Democracy, he will be worse than Jackson, but until them Jackson keeps the crown for #1 dickhead worst president

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