Ain’t that somethin’?

Ain’t that somethin’?

Posted by flarfuseful

  1. And cowardly Diaper Don sat in his Bunker and watched it happen, fuelling those ridiculous traitors.

  2. Because the Orange Cheeto was in charge at the time and enticed and promoted the whole thing. This could (and should) have been stopped with one phone call. Try again today…

  3. Well if someone, say the President were to order a Regiment/Brigade/Division to defend the Capital, at the time. I suspect you would have a very different outcome.

  4. did it though?

    they didn’t actually stop the election.

    I mean sure that was their goal and they should all be treated as traitors.

  5. The Capitol was deliberately undefended in spite of the known threat. The police aren’t set up to handle this. It was an insurrection supported by the current President. Who should be in jail now for treason.

  6. We actually spend it on offense, which supposedly, is the best defense. America’s perk is that, until now, and unlike most other countries, we haven’t had to protect our gov’t from a junta.

  7. It didn’t “fall”, what the fuck? Their coup was a total failure, and a bunch of these assholes are in prison.

  8. Any rational leader would’ve had AT A MINIMUM the police en masse to add a temporary wall between civility and the horde that is quick to be whipped up into any kind of fervor. Then, call the national guard to move their asses to the capital. Just the sheer deployment would’ve made those traitors back down. However, we had a traitorous president ask people to walk to the capital, and with people being beyond regarded they did what we all later saw on the news.

    I hope ALL get charged for their crimes committed on that day. Give them criminal records they deserve it they’ve worked so hard breaking the line, smashing objects, stealing item. Bar them from ANYTHING government. No matter the level. Military? If active dishonorable discharge them. If veteran revoke their pension. On top of they used money of the GI bill have the government bill them for money spent so there can be a claw back.

    We should’ve and NEED to be as heavy handed on these so called “patriots” and thus people would think twice of doing something so regarded and yet try to say they are all for this country. My ass.

  9. That’ll happen when your president at the time decides not to exercise any of those defenses.

  10. It’s not like we couldn’t have dropped seal team 6 in there and turned it into the biggest massacre in American history. It’s just that it was a very precarious situation.

    It’s like picking a splinter out of your nutsack, it doesn’t matter how strong you are, it takes a delicate touch.

  11. reminder that capitol police were begging for national guard intervention for 3+ hours before the order was given. Capitol police were also not directed to prepare appropriately. Reminder that secret service texts from this day were magically deleted “on accident”

  12. Because they were sent there by the PRESIDENT and the PRESIDENT is in control of the DC National Guard and he HELD THEM OFF so Congress had to make desperate calls to Virginia and Maryland governors to ask for national guard assistance and it they couldn’t mobilize in time. This sure as shit won’t happen this time because Biden will have the DC National Guard ready.

  13. One of the two guys standing with him in this photo is a well known mental patient in my area. A friend posted on fb about how she knew him and he wasnt a hateful person, that he clearly had been manipulated and used as fodder for MAGA.

    Goes to show you the levels that they’ll stoop to in their quest to “fix” America.

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