‘Serious predicament’: Trump camp insiders fear he’ll blow debate — and then the election

‘Serious predicament’: Trump camp insiders fear he’ll blow debate — and then the election


Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. yall are just helping him lower the bar with these posts. it’s so low at this point that even if he visibly shits his pants the media will be saying he did better than expected.  and that kind of shit swings votes.  i really wish people would be forced to take marketing lessons in high school or something.

  2. That is precisely what the left leaning 52% of the World’s population is hoping as well. So with 100% of the World hoping for that result, maybe we will get it.

  3. I think he is doing a good job of it currently. 😆🍊
    Why on earth would you bring up old lost court cases? Of your sexual perversion? Only the clueless haven’t seen your response to the “grab em by the pussy” question under oath. Basically doubling down on your activities.
    I like presidents that aren’t playing the victim while threatening retribution. It isn’t a good Presidential look at all. 🫢

  4. won’t make any difference. No matter how bad he does…never underestimate the stupidity of his voters.

  5. All he has to do is say some words that come within 20 miles of being on topic for one question and he’ll be declared the winner.

    All Harris has to do is answer every question in minute detail without boring a single pundit or political reporter, laughing in a way they find objectionable or having an expression that they find offensive. And then it will be a draw.

  6. Dudes should chill out. If selling out America to Russia, raping multiple women and being responsible for a million deaths by botching Covid didn’t “blow the election” then literally nothing will.

  7. His performance wouldn’t matter to his constituents. He could be there drooling and unable to finish a sentence and they would still vote for him.

  8. Even if he blows it, the media will spin it into a Kamala loss because they want Trump to win because Trump and the suffering of the average person means ratings.

  9. He blew the debate with Hillary and it only helped him. His followers love that he is a bully and dumber than a box of rocks. That’s really the only quality he brings to the table

  10. He doesn’t have a standard that he has to meet. He could shit on the floor and roll around in it and it wouldn’t change anything.

  11. “Advisers are particularly concerned about how Trump might respond when faced with a Black woman in a position of power, the Guardian reported.”

    This sentence says it all

  12. It’s amazing how low the bar is for trump. It’s like knowingly electing the dunce clown to be class president, then waiting for him to rise to meet the standards of the office.

  13. There’s nothing anymore stopping the idiots in your country from voting trump.

    Cause Dems are commies, liberals, against their precious guns, after their wallets, … Cause they’re racists, they want things to go back the way they were (even if they’re dead sure it’s impossible), …

    You’ve plenty of explanations for their stupidity, the sure thing is that they’ll vote for that demented pos

  14. It won’t matter. Trump will say he destroyed her, the media will say she held her own or could have done better because they want more clicks and views.

  15. He shouldn’t even be in the running for dog catcher, let alone for leader of the free world.

  16. He is going to blow a tire about 15 mins in and then self destruct after that. It’s going to be a long night for the orange wannabe hitler.

  17. The election is already blown for him. He can only make it worse, and I’m here for it 🍿👌

  18. Look we all think Trump is going to rise to the occasion and be better than what he did in the past, but that never happens ever.
    He is going to be the Trump whom we all hate.
    He is going to speak over Harris constantly. When asked questions, he will ignore them and then go in his usual diatribes, you know “His Old Hits”.
    You can’t put enough Orange goo on this pig.
    He sold his Soul to Lucifer and now, Lucifer is coming to collect on his loan and there are no bankruptcy laws nor attorneys nor SCOTUS to cover for him.
    Welcome to “Karmic Justice”.
    “The Lord works in mysterious ways” but you don’t need to be an “Evangelical Un-Christian” to figure this one out.

  19. Madam VP will rightfully take him to task and his supporters will just say she bullied him. The next day they’ll go AI generate another image of him with rippling muscles dressed as Rambo or some shit.

  20. Trump is talking like a loser, trying to explain his loss before Americans even vote. It’s a way for him to prepare his base for another insurrection. Why isn’t this being discussed?

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