Ukraine’s vital eastern town Pokrovsk in Russian sights | BBC News

Ukraine’s vital eastern town Pokrovsk in Russian sights | BBC News

Ukraine’s surprise incursion into Russia’s Kursk region last month helped to boost national morale, but the Kremlin has retaliated with serious of missile attacks.

On Sunday, Russia claimed to have taken control of a village just 10km from a key transportation hub Pokrovsk, in eastern Ukraine.

The front line is less than 8km (4.9 miles) from Pokrovsk, prompting thousands of residents to flee.

If the city falls, Russian forces will cut off one of the main supply routes in the region. For Ukraine, this would mean the loss of almost the entire Donetsk region.

BBC’s Abdujalil Abdurasulov who has been filming Ukrainian soldiers in the area sent this report.

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  1. Due to shortage of shell, roaring has become weaker and weaker,this is battlefield, isn't it?
    Why don't you sit on the meeting with Putin?
    Read Analects for ethics, simpletons.

  2. Ukraine war remains me the Iraq invasion by US under false justification, Russia at least has a point in not wanting the encroachment by NATO (US) on its borders.Few people comment or know about the origin or cause of Russia invasion, which is the continued encirclement of Russia by NATO (US) on ex USSR republics. How people expect for Russia not to defend its border from the continuous encroaching of US? What would US do in a hypothetical situation in which Russia or China start building bases on its borders? Remember the Cuban missile crisis?

  3. Ukrainian Dictator Zelenski is the Richest and Most Corrupted Person in the World He has received Billions from the West (USA. UN, EU. England's Queen Elizabeth's Generous Private Donations 2 X, King Charles generous donations and many Western Church charities none of which is going to help his soldiers nor his people only for his own pocket).. Zelenski owns over 30 off shore companies where he directs all free money he is getting from the Naive West.

  4. US said no ammunition left , Nato said no ammunition left, ukrop said only for 2 month ammunition left. How Ukranians will win war against russia?? Alone north korea sent more ammunition to Russia than whole Europe

  5. Zelensky and its NATO allies thought it was a comedy. Now they have realised that it is a tragedy. By the way, no one who associate with the USA comes out of of it clean anyway.

  6. Pokroksk will fall ,but will remain in Zelensky s heart.

    Can you tell this man to stop listening to US and UK and use common sense and peace. Why is determined to escalate when he was elected president to bring peace after US overthrew a democratic president and supported the Nazis just to motivate hostilities between two groups.

  7. English translated Russia রাসিয়াকে সব ছায়তে অস্ত্র বোমা বেসি দিতাছে চায়না যদি চায়নার সাতে ভারত এর যুদ্ধে শুরু হয়ে যায় তখন চায়না রাসিয়াকে যুদ্ধের অস্ত্র বোমা বিস্পরন সাহায্য করবে না তখন রাসিয়া শক্তি হারিয়ে যাবে আর ইউক্রেনে স্বাধীন রাষ্ট্র পেয়ে যাবে আর তায়ওয়ান কে নিয়ে America NATO চিন্তা করতে হবে না

  8. It's so confusing. We are against Nazi's, but support them in Ukraine? Putin isn't even at war, this is just special military operations. You got a taste of what war looks like when he retaliated the other day from that silly invasion. He can flatten the whole of Ukraine today if he wanted, so lets not pretend anything is going on here other than what is going on here.

    Oooooh it's the BBC…

  9. Stupid US/UK and EU leaders learned that trying to be "a little bit at war" is like trying to be "a little bit pregnant". Stupid Americans should have known better as Vietnam was only 50 years ago, but I guess UK never really had a "managed political war" to realize how foolish it was to proceed. Biden just sit down with Putin in Oct. 2021, figure out what you can and cannot live with, come to some agreement. No, instead you try to just take it all by force; now look what you have, far less than what you could have kept by diplomacy. Stupid NATO leaders….."

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