Phone robber with knife got confronted

Phone robber with knife got confronted

by britishotter

  1. They’re already illegal so this shouldn’t be a controversial idea:

    “Bicycles” that are clearly motorbikes (no number plate, no lights, moving without pedalling) – seized and crushed. On the spot, why not? Get the Met’s biggest copper to crush them, there and then, with his bare hands. Shirtless.

  2. that fanny walking past with the trolley could have nailed the knife fanny with it, fucking fanny

  3. Extremely based, more people should have surrounded him and taught him a lesson. is the only way to stop this crime.

  4. Brave but extremely stupid. There’s no way you can fight a knife successfully unless the attacker slips

  5. God I’m glad that guy didn’t get stabbed – good on him we’re all fecking sick of these young absolute scum

  6. God. The anger against this kind of crime is really building up. And the cops are doing nothing.

    It won’t be long until one of these thieves are just killed by people stomping their heads in on the street. And people will probably film it.

  7. The audacity to stroll around central London dressed like that, holding a knife and robbing people blind… it’s an absolute disgrace

  8. I remember in my area police was giving away flyers with info about phone thieves. This is sad. They supposed to be more efficient and smart tackling this problem – this became unbearable. You can’t take your phone out in the city anymore.

    They should make this kind of business less profitable, kill the supplier chain.

  9. I remember in my area police was giving away flyers with info about phone thieves. This is sad. They supposed to be more efficient and smart tackling this problem – this became unbearable. You can’t take your phone out in the city anymore.

    They should make this kind of business less profitable, kill the supplier chain.

  10. I remember in my area police was giving away flyers with info about phone thieves. This is sad. They supposed to be more efficient and smart tackling this problem – this became unbearable. You can’t take your phone out in the city anymore.

    They should make this kind of business less profitable, kill the supplier chain.

  11. I don’t understand why to confront the robber. I thought that phone snatching is legal here… Police never reacts, no arrests, no phones searching, no compensations for stolen devices. All is ok. Keep calm and carry on.

  12. I don’t get how armed police aren’t swarming this guy, going around like he’s some mad max psychotic warrior waving around a small sword on a high street.

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