Ministers should ‘apologise’ over waiting lists

The SDLP's Colin McGrath asks ministers to apologise to "the hundreds of thousands of people who are languishing on waiting lists who will look at this statement today for some hope but don't see any concrete actions, just some warm words."

Ms O'Neill says: "I just don't agree."

"We are going to do absolutely everything we can to help them get their treatment, we are going to work night and day to try and fix our health service."

She adds that "we are determined to fight for good finances here" and "investment in our health service".

by HeWasDeadAllAlong

  1. Does an apology reduce the list? Does it cure whatever ails these people? Why do we focus on this senseless virtue signalling instead of actually fixing the fucking problem??

  2. There has been a systemic failure of funding and a failure to retain talent in our health service. An apology from a current health minister, post covid is unnecessary

  3. I would like to see concrete plans to fix it rather than an apology or good intentions

    Is there any word on how we our going to solve our GP crisis with GPs leaving because they are barely breaking even and then what about all the staff leaving for HSE because it’s paid far better?

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