Have we been through this many wars?

Have we been through this many wars?

by bb_453

  1. Don’t you remember? World war 11 was fought between Gurnsey and the Isle of Man over the last battered cod in the whole of the British Isles.

    11 million killed, 24 million wounded.

  2. Of all the times I’ve considered the National Trust and Police interchangable, bomb disposal is not one of them.

  3. 01929 is Wareham, so not too far from Bovington, so there could easily be ordnance in that area.

  4. 01929 is Wareham, so not too far from Bovington, so there could easily be ordnance in that area.

  5. We’ve not had that many wars, it’s just people have forgotten that there was a Roman numberal system… They probably mistranslated two i’s for 11…

  6. “I know not with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 11 will be fought with magical time travelling bombs which go back in time and bury themselves under the British countryside, ready to explode in the distant future when an unsuspecting clone unit steps on one.”

    ~ Albert Einstein

  7. I spoke to someone in the Royal Navy when I was at uni in Plymouth (we did kickboxing together). The Germans dropped so many bombs and ammunition that not all of it went off. They were counting on some of them exploding, not all. So you may find some rounds or explosives that never went off. RN bomb squad will handle it.

    Edit: just realised the joke!

  8. We’ve had a couple of old hand grenades turn up on the hills in north Wales over the past couple of years, usually from old home guard training sites. Must have chucked them, sank into the peat, not exploded and then just been forgotten about.

  9. we had this from an SSSI back in the 90’s some kid brought in a rusty ball, turned out to be a mills bomb.
    his dog had dug it up apparently.
    so the local SSSI is a mossland/wetland that the local Royal ordinance factory and filling station would dump defective items, cause they’d just sink into the peat.

    many years later it’s a rather nice nature reserve, we just can’t dig too deep…

  10. It always makes me laugh how fucking hysterical this country gets with this stuff yet you have French and Belgian farmers just dumping it at the roadside over there to await occasional removal.

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