Angesichts der russischen Aggression fehlt es der Ukraine an jungen Männern, um die dezimierten Reihen der Streitkräfte aufzufüllen

Angesichts der russischen Aggression fehlt es der Ukraine an jungen Männern, um die dezimierten Reihen der Streitkräfte aufzufüllen

  1. The title is slightly misleading, as the article mostly talks about demographic challenges for Ukraine, which in itself is a very interesting topic: millions have fled the country since the Russian invasion, and *”the available workforce has shrunk 27 per cent”*. These are real challenges for future generations.

  2. “The demographic under the largest threat is young men aged under 30, which make up the smallest population group in the country”.

    Oof. This should be a wake up call for other western countries aswell. We need new and heavy insentives for couples to get kids.. for reference in Nigeria alone there are 2x as many children born than in the entire EU combined. Historically speaking, relying on migrants alone is a terrible long term solution.

  3. The article and headline is intentionally misleading.

    A lot of fuss has been made of Ukrainians armed forces having an older average age with the implication that they have lost all their younger people in battle.
    Ukraine always had a smaller demographic of younger people, they have always been acutely aware of this. The lower age limit for conscription was set at 27 until very recently. It’s since been lowered to 25, compare that with Russia calling all their students into the ranks when they also face similar demographic challenges.

    They have been protecting this demographic because of its importance to rebuilding their country after the war. They have more an enough young people in the country who are ready and willing to serve if called upon and every day more people are returning to the country.

  4. It’s scary how hard it is to discern the difference between what the truth on the ground is and propaganda

  5. We can send them 20 million of our military aged migrants. If they can take Moscow, they can keep it. Good incentive program.

  6. Wonder if the U.S. congress, EU and black rock will work together to rebuild what’s left of Ukraine after this.

  7. The west is protracting this war by tying ukraine’s hands behind their back, not allowing for deep strikes inside Russia.

    We are sleepwalking up to the moment where the ukrainian military collapses due to manpower shortage. Drones can only help so much, if there are no men to hold the line.

  8. Didn’t Zelensky recently say that they drafted 11 brigades worth of people and now have nothing to arm them with?

  9. Force enlistment for women. Time to show that big fat middle finger to patriarchy and promote equality ladies

  10. They’ll have some new right-wing commentators seeking asylum soon with the way the media interference stuff is unfolding.

  11. I hope war one day will be worldwide banned, as it is an insult to human intelligence and life itself.

  12. 2 million fighting age men have left the country since the war began. Of course they have manpower issues

  13. No they don’t. They just did that massive registration and conscription event that started in May. July they said over half a mill eligible.

    It takes time, not an overnight task.

  14. There’s a very real possibility that Ukraine won’t ever fully recover from this war. A post-war reconstruction will need a sizable injection of cash from the west to have any hope of success.

  15. They haven’t been drafting anyone under 27 for most of the war, only recently was it even changed to 25.

  16. That’s been the plan all along. Russia has been importing a ton of disposable bodies to fight while Ukraine is sending in their best troops. As time marches on, Russia is gaining the advantage here.

    Which is why we have to take off the shackles and let Ukraine defend itself and fight with no restrictions.

  17. From the first months it should have been apparent that it would get to this point. Russia has never cared one bit for staggering personnel losses, and has far, far more people. I’ll never understand why we didn’t 10x support out of the gate, and why we handcuffed Ukraine the whole time including up to today. I keep hearing “we want to wear Russia down”. Well that’s great but it looks like that approach is going to ultimately lead to a Russian victory. They will keep a big chunk of Ukraine, and begin preparing for the next place they want to take a bite. The awful leaders of the world will take note and realize wars of greed and conquest are back on.

    I don’t even know if it’s salvageable any more. If we let Russia finish with anything more than they started we’ve utterly failed.

  18. Thousands of years of evolution to have some fat, old and senile men kill our young and bright over money.

    We haven’t changed at all.

  19. This was to be expected. Every news media outlet is reporting as if everything is rosy in Ukraine and they’ll beat Russia any second now when in reality they were also going to have a major challenge with this.

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