YouTube will begin limiting access to fitness videos for European teens. Here’s why

YouTube will begin limiting access to fitness videos for European teens. Here’s why,they%20show%20intimidation%20or%20fighting.

by mahaanus

  1. Before someone starts, this **isn’t** due to the EU

    >YouTube first rolled out these restrictions in the United States last year, and is now expanding them in Europe and around the world, **on the guidance of its youth and family advisory committee**.

  2. YouTube is also going to limit access to videos that glorify unhealthy or excessive eating and glorify obesity, right? Right?

  3. How about banning videos explaining complex scientific issues? Are we banning those too as it might marginalize certain IQ groups?

  4. Calm down, everyone.

    EU is not going to be removing any videos or restricting access for everyone.

    It’s about restricting access for **TEENAGERS**. Which is good. Teenagers are susceptible to certain topics and are very easy to influence and harm. Thus, such regulations are to protect teenagers.

  5. im fine with them doing this, but weirded out that there are no limitiations on glorifying obesity and such

  6. Isn’t this still just fighting symptoms though? Reads to me like the algorithm is the problem.

    Kid clicks ‘baby shark’ once and the algorithm spirals into increasingly dumb and annoying videos. (seriously i had to wipe that account as it couldn’t recover!)

    Teen clicks on one too many ‘health’ video and is driven to anorexia? Algorithm.

    Click on a video that tries to explain what the heck is going on with the US’s Repuplican party? Congratulations, you’re a hardcore MAGA trumper now! Algorithm

    Don’t you dare click anything Taylor Swift…

    Fix the algorithm problem!

  7. That is probably the stupidest justification there is. The Americans simply want Europeans to get as fat as they are. They are jealous

  8. “Which videos will YouTube restrict for teenagers?

    YouTube said it will now limit repeated recommendations of videos that:

    Idealise particular fitness levels or weight groups

    Compare and idealise certain physical features, or

    Are socially aggressive, meaning they show intimidation or fighting.”

    The third one I can get behind. Social aggression has no place in civilised society.

    Comparason and idealisation of fitness are necessary to insure that we will have a healthy population. If you dont tell people about how unhealthy it is to be fat and how to get in better shape health issues will skyrocket and general life satisfaction will plumit.

  9. This is pretty vague and has left me with more questions than answers. Does ‘idealise particular fitness levels or weight group’ mean banning content that promotes a bmi of under 15 (which is reasonable) or does it ban content that promotes a bmi of between 20 to 25? I don’t know. Does banning “socially aggressive’ content mean banning mma or martial arts content? Or does it mean banning abusive or bullying content.

  10. Eu. Address the root causes of obesity: education, access to affordable food choice, quality education teaching nutrition and home cooking, high quality phys ed and sport programs, quality publicly funded sport areas in the communities. Eu: restrict videos promoting fitness. There Much easier.

  11. I feel like they’re only doing this to try and keep teenage boys from being masculine and docile.

  12. More censorship great. Let me guess its okay to show obese eating and other consumerist shit. 

    People should be fit and it’s regressive as a society that we don’t encourage people to live happy healthy lives. 

  13. This reminds me of me.. a while back I discovered that there are naked people doing yoga in YouTube. And I’m not talking about some artistic nude thing where they barely show something. I’m rtalkubg about full blown front (and side and back) nudity , with food lighting, even close ups. It surprised me in a weird way. I didn’t actually felt aroused I feel kind of disgusted as YouTube is a “family” friendly platform.

    I wonder if the videos are still there

  14. “The video-streaming platform says that repeated exposure to certain types of videos could hurt teenager’s self-esteem and body image.”

    Saying this in regards to fitness is insane. I’m sorry, but we are facing an obesity epidemic and fitness channels and fitness influencers CAN play a vital role in helping with that. You have great content greaters like Jeff Nippard that provide great education: Content like this can even improve a teenagers self worth. But I know its easier and more cost-effective to impose blanket restrictions.

    I wonder if mukbang is limited too. Can anybody confirm?

  15. Censoring damn near random shit to appear as if the money machine cares. Does this nonsense actually improve people’s opinion? YouTube can not help itself from spamming unhinged crap in recommendations, but “Fitness” stuff is the problem.

    That one needed action, clearly. Nothing else.

  16. Yes ozempic is much better. Just buy the weight loss drugs we are manufacturing for you! /s

  17. Could Youtube also limit the amount of political propaganda they allow in their advertisements? (Looking at my lovely PM and his band of thieves)
    That could also help young people.

  18. I learned early on to just not sign up to stuff wherever possible.
    If I ever do need to for access purposes and a mirror site wont do the trick it’s registered to a burner email, but I *never* connect my accounts or keep them for long specifically to avoid being pigeonholed by their shitty algorithms.

    I tried to buy a fucking shirt at the airport the other week and they were adamant that they needed my email address and that it’s totally normal for them to collect it. I just wanted to buy a fucking shirt, get away from meeeeee

  19. I can understand limiting videos that are advertising certain products like pills or drinks but to limit access to fitness videos is a little silly especially since many of them focus on technique and what not.

    Videos on how to properly do bench presses or squats is really important and probably the only cost effective way teens can learn how to properly do workouts.

  20. How about limiting the access to advertisements of fast food, high sugar food and a sweets? Oh right can’t drown in that sweet advertisement money.

  21. It’s about health not beauty ffs. Whatever potential harm this causes is outweighed by the benefits of inspiring people to change their behavior I reckon. Yes being fat is bad get over it.

  22. Ehhhh…. i really don’t agree with this. I am not usually one to say this but this is government overreach, also why are we limiting this but not actually dangerous stuff like Twitter?

  23. Your title sucks so god damn mucg that the red district in Amsterdam is suing you for taking away their clients

    This is not about the EU limitaiting access it’s about YouTube limitations access, and YouTube is an American company

    No matter anyway, europeans eat healthier anyway

  24. algorithms are literally the worst. Instagram for example, i click on a video with a baby and bam, my explore page is full of videos about pregnancies. Watch 1 dumb video, your page fill with them

  25. Algorithms need work in general.

    I’m recommended an amazing amount of misogynist and right wing content despite being diametrically opposed to that sort of thing. That’s clearly what men are into right? Right? Right? so they suggest tons of it hoping that I’ll bite. Their data shows men engaging with that soryt of content. Young men are increasingly right wing. I have no doubt that the algorithms are responsible. At least partly.

    That said, some serious r/fatlogic has gone into this decision.

    My mother works in government health education and apparently “body positivity” and “Health At Every Size” (HAES) thinking has taken over everything.

    Both *sound* like great things. People shouldn’t feel *bad* because their body doesn’t fit conventional beauty standards, right? HAES? Sounds like it’s about getting unhealthy people to start thinking about excercise and nutrition! Who would disagree with any of that?

    Except both these movements are really hiding their true nature beneath these innocous names. What they *really* mean is the promotion of things like (i) Doctors should never mention weight or consider weightloss as an recomendation for any issue (ii) any mention of healthy eating is actually “diet culture” and people shoudl just “listen” to their bodies natural desires (iii) promoting excercise is “problematic” as it makes fat people feel uncomfortable (iv) people aren’t actually fat or obese. Rather, they are “persons living in larger bodies”. I could go on all day.

    We’re sleepwalking into US style obesity. Rather than fighting it, health professionals are being scolded for promoting healthy diets and excercise plus the importance of maintaining a healthy weight (these movements would have you believe that such a thing doesn’t really exist) and media is expected to promote obesity as being a perfectly normal thing and nothing to worry about.

    The consultants and activists who promote these movements are dropping like flies. Because their vital organs are fighting to survive beneath suffocating rolls of fat both viceral and sub cutaneous. Many of them don’t make it to 50 yet the acolytes will pretend that it’s no big deal.

    It’s da ngerous shit all in the name of not making people feel uncomfortable for the terrible life choices they have made.

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