Top 20 most notable philosophers ever

Top 20 most notable philosophers ever

Posted by OddSikeliotGuidance

  1. First list is an interesting exercise. The act of making the second list shows how something’s are not data. Lot’s of math to manipulate the second list on to give an air of empiricism where none actually exists.

  2. Can you imagine being Aristotle. 2000 years ago, no internet, smoking some weed thinking “What is life man?” and 2000 years later still being remembered for ideas…

  3. One severe problem I have with this methodology is that r/Nietzsche is a bunch of children and idiots. Over the years *many* a Nietzsche scholar has come, browsed, and quickly left. So like… I’m not sure it’s Nietzsche’s actual philosophy that is “noteworthy” and more so his name and a whole mixed bag of misinterpretations.

  4. No Kierkegaard? He was arguably the father of existentialism was incredibly influential for many on this list…

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