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Do you like Venn diagrams, too?

Posted by GirasoleDE

  1. “I suck in the most ways eeever, believe me! Nobody can suck so hard and in so many different ways because I’m the Chosen One! Jesus H. Shark personally told me after licking ketchup off a battery. Ivanka put a Hannibal Lecter mask me to prevent me from doing it again, and said I looked soooo sexy in it!”

  2. Reagan is in the middle, or at least in Criminal and Senile. Iran-Contra was an illegal circumvention of the arms embargo on Iran.

  3. * Senile + Incompetent = Woodrow Wilson (his wife was in charge)
    * Senile + Criminal = Andrew Jackson (ethnic cleansing, age 66 at 2nd inauguration)
    * Incompetent + Criminal = Warren Harding (couldn’t reign in cabinet)

  4. Nah. Reagan was a criminal too, by any standard. Iran-Contra while in office, and before taking office, working with Iran to have them hold the US hostages until after his inauguration.

    Very strong argument to be made that W Bush was a war criminal as well.

  5. Nixon: “Racism!”

    Ford: “Corruption!”

    Reagan: “Dementia? … Nancy, was that right?”

    HWBush: “Fear!”

    GWBush: “Incompetence!”

    Trump: “By your failures combined, I am Klansman President!”

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