NSFW: Russian POV of being attacked & hit by Ukrainian FPV drone.

NSFW: Russian POV of being attacked & hit by Ukrainian FPV drone.

by GermanDronePilot

  1. Something’s not right here, they’re actually evacuating him and not leaving him for dead? Did they gain a conscience overnight? 😂😂

  2. I wonder why they left all that russian tourniquet making material behind hanging on that truck? I really thought they would just shoot the guy, or even fight over who gets to shoot their wounded comrade.

  3. Blown to bits for poo cans wet dream.
    Nobody has an issue with Russians per se.
    The world has a problem with anyone who decides to fight for Putin

  4. Maybe one day russians will understand that it was not worth it. Support Ukrainian army, so they force russians to understand it earlier and to go back home.

  5. Good news, the rich of Moscow have offered to donate him a pair legs, ( just dont ask who they stole the legs from)

  6. This group actually look pretty well equipped (apart from the car) and to be fair they actually did a pretty good job in this scenario of spreading out and evacuating themselves and the wounded, in about 1 minute they had the casualty and all members of the team loaded up and were on the move.

    Pretty interesting compared to the shit show of equipment and “training” we usually see from the Russian side these days.

  7. GTFO or die. Leave Ukraine, stop killing civilians and POWs. Afterwards, pay reparations and face justice for war crimes.

  8. In the first few months of this war I felt bad for the Russians, maybe they really didn’t know what they were doing in Ukraine. But now, hearing these soldiers scream for their life’s – deserved

  9. I feel terrible but I was hoping they would hit the vehicle once they were all loaded inside.

  10. This just made me realize that drones are actually barely visible with the naked eye when looking at it from the ground and into the sky during daytime up until it is very close already and just seconds before it kabooms on your ass. Jeeezuz😳

  11. Based on their calm reaction and gear, this seems like a professional outfit, possible a Guard battalion. I was hoping a second drone would deliver a coup de grace through the windshield. 

  12. Good that fucker experienced 1/1000000th of the pain his country has inflicted on Ukraine.

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