RIP David Knowles – Ukraine The Latest podcast 🇺🇦

RIP David Knowles – Ukraine The Latest podcast 🇺🇦

by AndrewSouthern729

  1. This is so sad. I feel like I know David, Dom, Francis and that whole team. I spend more time with them listening to the podcast every day than I do with my wife. The cynic in me wants to mention this, but given how influential this podcast has become within the West, and David was its creator, a little voice is compelling me to consider perhaps this “health emergency” in a 32 yearold young man was an instance of Russian poisoning. I have no evidence to say that, but it’s worth mentioning.

  2. As a regular listener to the podcast, this is sad news. Will be sorely missed! RIP David Knowles

  3. Oh man, I have been listening to David for over a year. This is very sad and he will be missed by many.

  4. This is terrible news. He did an incredible job with Ukraine the latest, which I really believe is the best source of info on this horrific war. Such a shame.

  5. WTF… That’s so sad

    It’s going to be weird not hearing his voice anymore and knowing the reason why

    Obviously his family, friends, and coworkers have it much worse

    Didn’t serve on the frontline, but helped with the vital service of raising and keeping up awareness of the war. Thank you for that. 

  6. grab a box of tissues before you listen to the very short podcast episode today… It’s a gut punch.

  7. Very sad. Ukraine the Latest was legitimately good journalism. Not many English news sources spent the time and effort to get real stories out of Ukraine.

  8. Unreal. I’ve listened to at least the first 10 minutes or so of this podcast almost every day for over 2 or so years now. So sad.

  9. Insane, he was only 32.

    The podcast is one of the best, most informative podcasts on the conflict and his effort and time there is irreplaceable.

    RIP David.

  10. I’ve listened to David and Ukraine: The Latest for over 2 years now. What a tragedy.

    RIP David Knowles

  11. I’m so jaded and angry at Russia that my first thought was, “How did they assassinate him and make it look like a cardiac arrest?”

  12. This is insane! I listen to their podcast every day.

    I’m getting chills. A 32 year old relatively fit person getting a heart attack? I mean …. Sure it’s possible.

    But honestly after reading John Sweeney’s book “Killer in the Kremlin”…. And having followed Russia’s (and Putin’s) actions for a while now….. I can’t help suspecting fowl play.

  13. Jesus. 32 years old. The podcast is one of the best ways for English speakers to keep up on the war. I see that everyone is jumping to suspecting Russia, but natural sudden deaths can still happen to the young. Sad to see.

  14. Genuinely upset for a man I’ve never met and the team, I have listened to you guys since the war began. I feel a piece is missing from my day.

  15. This podcast has felt like a lifeline for me to stay connected to the details of the war. So sad to hear about this for David and his family.

  16. Omg I’m in shock. Regular listener. Cardiac arrest at age 32?!? Going to need a detailed autopsy.

  17. What the …?! I literally had David’s voice in my ear, catching up with listening the friday episodes of Battlelines and Ukraine The Latest and now this?? This seems so unreal. The podcast is my main source of information about the war in Ukraine, this is a huge loss and having listened to David’s voice for two years this feels personal. My heartfelt condolences to his family and the team at The Telegraph!

  18. Absolutely shocking. His podcast is absolutely brilliant and such essential work. You could tell how much it all meant to him and bringing the audience the truth about this utterly disgusting war. Thank you for everything, David….you opened up my heart and mind.

  19. Regular listener for 2 years, fell off a bit in the past few months but always make it back for updates. RIP so sad. The work you guys do is important. Be careful out there

  20. If needle marks are found during the autopsy then you can believe he was murdered. Otherwise it’s unheard of

  21. So sad and tragic to pass so young. Been listening to this Podcast since its release. How very informative and detailed it is. Thoughts are with David’s family.

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