Angela Rayner strikes £150m deal with Britain’s biggest housebuilder to build new garden towns

Angela Rayner strikes £150m deal with Britain’s biggest housebuilder to build new garden towns

by SojournerInThisVale

  1. Barrat doing it is a worry. The new towns and town extensions which have been built (and which have been attractive, liveable places) have typically been built by smaller house building companies with the big national chains shut out.

    The grey belt stuff doesn’t make any sense too. A disused petrol station isn’t enough room to build a housing development

    With Rayner having scrapped all the aesthetic requirements, I fear the whole thing’s going to look like Labour’s last new town (see here: and less like Nansleden, Chapelton, Tornagrain, or Welborne Garden Village.

  2. Should build towns like the Netherlands, bunch on 3-5 story high density apartments with good rail and bus links. 

  3. “We cannot rely on the private sector to tackle the housing crisis.

    That experiment has failed. “

  4. How many houses going to get built for 150m?

    At 100k a pop, that’s 150 houses. And, 100k is optimistic af.

    You can’t build a town with 150 million pound, that’s silly.

    It’s all going to Barrat Houses, they’ve been a total shit show, since the 90s. Much like the labour party tbf.

    It’s just another version of, let’s give all our friends money. Like those last ones did.

    Same shit, different gravy.

  5. Is there any law currently in place preventing entities from buying more than one abode? well is there? and what about the land? are these going to be freehold or are they going to be just another batch of leasehold properties?

  6. Things I’ve noticed these developments hardly ever include: Pubs, shops, doctors surgery, dentists, restaurants. Massive soulless estates with a few kids parks, maybe a new primary school initially.

    A new estate is being developed near to me. 4,000 new homes planned. My tiny little town up the road has almost 5,000. Yet we have 6 restaurants, 5 pubs, 3 hairdressers, 4 barbers,2 Nail/beauty salons, Tattoo artist, a Lidl, a large coop, a heron foods, 7 other corner shops/newagents, doctors surgery, library, multiple churches, Estate agents, florist, dog groomers, charity shop, cafe , Primary school, Post office, High school, Pharmacy, 3 kids nurseries and a soon to be built garden centre.

  7. This is a an article about building less than 2000 homes over (potentially) 20 years, since that’s all £150m will get you. They’re talking about multiple towns and villages, are we changing the definition of a town to suit the narrative or something?

    This is a nothing story. We’ll see in a year or 2 if Labour will actually have any effect on property getting built or if it’s all just talk, this story certainly doesn’t qualify as a reason to be hopeful though.

  8. Could this not be done without enriching house builders who have already landbanked to the hilt and enriched themselves through deliberate constriction of supply?

  9. I think a great deal of the housing problems in the Uk could be alleviated by mandating a certain % of housing in new housing developments be tower blocks. And also perhaps capping how many semi detached or detached houses can be built as a % of the total site. Also it would be good to mandate specific amenities be included as part of any new estate. Pubs, grocery shops, etc

  10. Do people here seriously think that the £150m will buy the homes and then the people moving in will get them for free?

  11. I sense everyone understands that aspirational is good.

    Let’s get everyone housed, THEN if they want better housing in nicer areas, there’s options.

    but lets get homes built and filled now.

  12. > Building giant Barratt Developments has teamed up with Lloyds Banking Group to build thousands of new homes in a joint venture led by Homes England, the government body responsible for housebuilding.

    > The scheme, known as the Made Partnership, will act as master developer for new residential developments ranging from 1,000 homes to more than 10,000 which will be built across the UK.

    Wow, a whole 10,000 new homes! That’ll solve the housing crisis!

    Angela, we need *millions* of new homes. If we’re only going to strike deals like this once every few months, we are gonna get nowhere near the local housebuilding targets you set.

  13. If we are paying half does that mean we own half of all the properties values? 150m each to start with.

  14. Build towns where the demand is, in major cities where the jobs and amenities are? No, build new towns in the middle of nowhere for no reason. This country is finished. This is basically communism.

  15. Simply hope they are well planned out. Cafes, shops, essential amenities, buses and trains, and mid-density apartments

  16. In the past I would joke about Labour’s housing plans being nothing better than slapping awful Barratt estates over fields/woods.

    But now they are actually doing it haha, god help whoever moves into those homes.

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