They’re also going to spend the next 56 days trying to prop up their bloated, wildly unpopular candidate.

They’re also going to spend the next 56 days trying to prop up their bloated, wildly unpopular candidate.

Posted by 8-bit-Felix

  1. The Republicans that would do this need to ask themselves if they’re willing to have the death of democracy on their hands. I have to believe that there are few that would be okay with that.

  2. They’re not fully funding the government for 2025 as it is, so whoever is president gets a federal establishment barely hanging on after 2 years of not having the funds to fully do those things Congress has mandated they do. This is really going to hurt people over the next year, but the optic will be “blame the Democrats.”

    The current Republican party is a disgraced pile of traitors and fools.

  3. Don’t forget they’ll also try and take the budget hostage in exchange for a trump pardon. That I can guarantee.

  4. Yes, but only because Trump doesn’t learn. 

     The shut down is meant to weaken America’s defense against rebellion.

  5. Yep. We won’t sentence Trump, but they’ll shut everything down. I’m completely done listening to any of my Republican friends. Every single one of them is an asshole or a closet asshole. Today’s politics is the selfish vs. the selfless. It’s that simple.

  6. October surprise that will be a surprise to no one. Actually, I feel Bibi Netanyahu is probably gonna pull some shit.

  7. yes. they try to add SAVE act ( proof of citinship for voting) to CR. Which wont pass senate.

    but there is silver lining. lots of GOP in the tough races afraid of shutdown so they most likely bend the knee and vote with dems with clean CR.

  8. Fuuk the house and senate if that happens. Vote them out.

  9. I don’t doubt you’re right, I just can’t figure out how you shut down the government and then blame it on the VICE President.

  10. Every time they’ve shut down the government they’ve gotten the blame.

    But they’re incapable of learning so yeah, they’ll probably do it.

  11. If it was just a presidential race, you could spin it for Trump, maybe. But a lot of congressional republicans will also “own” the shutdown.

    The fact that they are considering this anyway means that their internal polling is showing that they are losing the House in November. And losing by a good amount.

  12. Biden is running up an insane amount of debt, with no effort to balance the budget for 4 years. The government is broke under the democrats, it’s not an election stunt.

  13. “Wildly unpopular”. I’d be careful with that characterization as it’s HIGHLY relative to the bubbles we insulate ourselves with. Hilary learned that lesson and we should all keep it in mind this election.

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